Chapter 22

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Heather was in the living room when you walked in. She jumped when you entered, screaming. "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"

You looked down, realizing you were still in your goddess form. "Shoot, I forgot." You quickly changed back to your new human form, approaching her cautiously. "Heather, it's me, it's June. Don't freak out."

"Like hell you are! What have you done with my daughter?"

"Heather, I-"

The front door opened again, and Stanford and Daniel walked in together. Stanford walked straight to Heather, who stared in horror. "Mrs. Thornberry, my name is Stanford Pines. This here is Daniel (L/n). Would you mind coming with us to the Gravity Falls Mystery Shack?"

Heather shook her head. "What is going on? Why are you here? Where is my daughter?"

"All will be explained when we get there, Mrs. Thornberry. Please, follow me." He grabbed Heather by the arm, leading her outside the house.

Daniel walked up to you, tears forming in his eyes. "(Y/n)... my (Y/n)..." He fell into your open arms, crying. "I thought I lost you forever."

"You can't get rid of me that easily." You joked half-heartedly before pulling away slowly. "How did you find me here?"

"Bill and another demon came by the Shack. They told us everything. So... you remember your past lives?"

"Yeah, it seems like I do."

"I better get used to you calling me 'Daniel', now that you remember who your true father is."

"I'm sorry, it'll just be weird still calling you 'Dad'. I promise, though, that I'll always remember you as my father. You were much more present than any other father I've had."

He chuckled. "That helps to hear." A car honked outside, and he sighed. "C'mon, let's go."

You shook your head. "I don't think I should. I can't go back and face those two. I'm not ready."

"I'll protect you. Ford will protect you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

You took a deep, steadying breath. "Okay. Let's go."

Daniel led you to the car parked outside, where Heather was waiting, a million questions on her mind. "Can I start asking?"

"Yes, you may." Stanford answered.

"Where's my daughter?"

"We don't know." Ford answered. "Living another life in someone else's body? In the subconscious? Never truly existed? The answers are infinite, but we have no idea which is true."

She pointed a finger at you. "Who is this? How did you become my daughter?"

"My name is Celestia." You spoke up. "I am a goddess. And how I came to be in this body... it's a long story."

"We have time."

You sighed. "Well... I was cursed a long time ago. Every time I kiss my soulmate, I move on to another life, forgetting everything in my past, until I find my soulmate again. The last time it happened was here in Gravity Falls. We kissed, and everything went black. When I woke up, I was in your daughter's body, in the hospital after the accident."

"I knew something was wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it. It's not like you to just forget everything, even your own mother's name." She turned back to Stanford. "And who are you two?"

"Stanford Pines. I'm a... you could just call me a scientist, doing personal studies. I was drawn to the area due to its weirdness magnetism, and I've been studying it and its creatures since I moved here. This here is is Daniel (L/n), my old partner's husband and the father of Celestia in her last past life."

Heather put her head in her hands. "I think I'm going crazy."

"I can tell you for certainty that you are not. This is reality. What you're experiencing is real."

"I mean, but this is... my own daughter, gone in the blink of an eye, replaced by a... a goddess?"

"I know it's hard to believe." Daniel put a hand on her shoulder. "It was hard for me, too. But it gets easier. Besides," he gave you a side smirk. "You can never fully get rid of her."

Stanford pulled up to the Mystery Shack, and you watched the small crowd form on the porch. Stanford and Daniel got out of the car first, walking around to let you and Heather out. The four of you approached the group, who immediately began talking at once.

"Celestia? Is that you?"

"Which one is it?"

"How long have you known?"

"Do you remember us?"

Daniel pushed them all away, a hand on your arm. "Give them some room, guys. Let them breathe."

Your eyes scanned the group- Mabel, Dipper, Stanley, Wendy, and Soos were standing in front of you. You turned your head to the two pairs of eyes staring at you, looking Bill and Zuku in the eyes. Time seemed to stand still as you stared at them. Bill moved to take a step forward, but you shook your head.

"June?" Heather's voice cut you out of your daze. You turned to her, noticing all eyes were on you as she and Stanford waited at the open door. "Are you coming?"

"Celestia, Heather." You heard Mabel gasp. "And yes, I'm-"

"Excuse me." The light voice cut through, bringing all attention to it. Your breath hitched. If you had heard that voice before, you wouldn't have reacted like this, but now you could pick it out of anywhere.

You slowly turned around, facing a petite woman who looked confused. "Is the Mystery Shack closed? I was told to come here."

Tears filled your eyes as you looked at the beautiful woman in front of you. "...mother?"

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