Chapter 2

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"Great uncle Ford!" Dipper called out as he entered the Mystery Shack.

A man sitting at a table looked up. "Yes, Dipper? What is..." He trailed off as he looked at you. "You look familiar. What's your name?"

You smiled politely at him. "(Y/n)."

Dipper gestured towards Ford. "Show him the journal!" Ford looked confused, until you handed him the leather journal in your hand.

His eyes instinctively widened. "...where did you get that?" He took the journal carefully.

"My father gave it to me last year for my birthday. It was my mom's before she died."

Ford almost dropped the journal when you mentioned your mom. "Your mom? Alice (L/n)?" You nodded. He looked down, shaking his head. "You shouldn't be here." He looked back up at you. "You need to go home. Now. It's too dangerous."

After a while of pleading, Ford finally convinced you to leave. You tried taking the path Dipper led you through, until you realized you were lost. You walked in a random direction until you reached a clearing. There was nothing around except for a fallen tree and a statue.

You walked towards the stature, your curiosity kicking in. It looked like a triangle, and it was partially stuck in the ground. It had one eye, an eyepatch, a tophat, and one visible arm.

Shake his hand. Shake his hand, your head kept screaming at you. You hesitated, but put your hand in the triangle's. After a minute of standing there, you realized that nothing would happen.

You sighed, pulling your hand away. "I should be going home." You took out your phone and put in the new address, following the directions there.

Behind you, the statue cracked.


The doorbell rang just after you and your dad finished dinner. You jumped up to answer it, and was surprised to see Stanford on the other side. You invited him in, and he stepped inside.

"Is your father here?" He asked. "I need to talk to him alone." You nodded, called out to your dad, and left through the back door, but not before grabbing the journal. You flipped to where you left off and read as you walked.

Stanford and I met an axolotl deep in the woods around Gravity Falls. The creature granted us one question each. Stanford asked a question I cannot remember, nor can I remember the answer to. I asked the creature the very reasonable question, "Who is Bill Cipher?" to this reply:

Before you could read the reply, you tripped over a tree root, falling on your face. You quickly sat up, brushing yourself off. You looked up and saw that you were in the same clearing from earlier. Everything was the same, except... where was the statue?

You shrugged it off, thinking that someone took it. You grab the journal from the ground, reading the next part out loud.

"Sixty degrees that come in threes, watches from within birch trees,
saw his own dimension burn,
misses home and can't return,
says he's happy, he's a liar,
blame the arson for the flyer,
if he wants to share the blame,
he'll have to invoke my name,
one way to absolve his crime,
a different form, a different time."

Suddenly, you felt like you were being watched. You thought nothing of it, since you were in the woods. You continue to reading out loud.

"The last few lines the axolotl spoke interest in me. 'Invoke my name to solve his crime, in a different form and in a different time.' What crime? What time? What form? It is stressing me that I cannot find an answer. But, then again, this is Bill Cipher, the all-knowing dream demon, who is confusing enough. Maybe someday I will find the answer." The page and it after that. You close the journal with a sigh.

"Who is this Bill Cipher, mom? Why can't you give me stuff that actually make sense?"

Suddenly, you heard laughter. Not the nice kind- the insane kind. You looked all around before looking up and seeing...

The statue.

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