Chapter 26

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"No! Please, just leave me alone!"

The dark mass kept running, chasing you through the huge building. You didn't know where you were, or how you had even gotten there. The voices kept talking, taunting and mocking.

You finally lost the mass, but wound up at a dead end. You turned back the way you came, but then the room shifted. Mirrors replaced the walls, surrounding you in a circle, and the floor became glass. In each one of your reflections, the forms you took in your past lives laughed at you.

"Pathetic, isn't it?" A Japanese samurai mocked.

"Can't even trust your own soulmate?" A mermaid covered her snarled mouth, giggling.

"You're always going to be alone, won't you?" A queen scoffed.

"You live alone, you die alone!" They all chimed in at once. "You're going to die alone, with no one to love you!"

You covered your ears, squeezing your eyes tight. "Stop! It's not true!"

"It's all true."

Your head shot up at the new, non-feminine voice. Your reflections were gone, and in their places was Bill. His visible eye was red, and he had a sickening grin on his face.

"Do you really think we belong together? I met my soulmate eons ago, while you're here holding onto the idea of 'true love'. It doesn't exist."

You slowly began shaking your head. "Not. It can't be true."

"Oh, but it is." You heard a crack and looked down- the glass floor under you began to break. "And now, Celestia? You're going to die!" Bill's reflection began to laugh maniacally. "You're going to die! Over, and over, and over again, until I tire of seeing that face of yours!"

The floor cracked one more time. "Please! Don't do this! You know this is wrong!"

"Don't you understand? That's the whole reason why I'm letting you fall."

The floor gave out from under you, and you plummeted into a dark hole, falling and falling until-

Your back collided on something soft. You forced your eyes open, seeing a bright blue sky above you. You quickly sat up, realizing you landed on a white, fluffy cloud. You could hear quiet voices, but was unable to pinpoint the direction they were coming from.

You slowly stood up, still wary. "Bill? Are you out there?"

The voices gradually got louder, until you could just barely make out what they were saying.

"I've been unable to stop them for weeks, now. They've gotten too strong."

"It seems as if with her memories fully intact, so too are her nightmares."

"Will she be okay?"

"Physically? Absolutely. Mentally, I am not so sure. It could take her years to get over these nightmares, but I believe she has had them since her childhood. Conversation with her mother may prove that."

"She's said something like that before. Is there any way we could help?"

"Time and patience, William. She will need a lot of assistance getting over these nightmares. They could be the reason as to why she does not trust you yet."

"I haven't thought of that... do you think-"

"That she knows about your rampage against the town of Gravity Falls? Likely, as her last regeneration was a girl who had lived through the events."

"I never... Tia, I'm so sorry... please don't see me as a monster."

"I am sure she does not, William. However, stories may remain with a person for a long time, even if they are not true."

A door appeared in front of you. Wary, you reached out to open it and stepped through. When you blinked, you were back in your bedroom. Bill was sitting close by on the mattress, while another man who looked strikingly like him, but blue, stood a foot away from the bed. Both looked at you worriedly, and Bill quickly took one of your hands.

"Are you okay?"

You nodded, sitting up. "Yeah, I'm fine. What... happened?"

"You were having a nightmare." Bill's twin answered. "I arrived here just in time. William was unable to help, so he asked for my assistance." You stared at him for a moment, before he came to his senses. "Right. Pardon the informal meeting, but my name is Willard, William's younger brother. Excuse my dialect, I have not been on the mortal plane for centuries."

"Meaning it's been a long time since he visited." You turned back to Bill. "You'll get used to his fancy words and long sentences."

You gave a small giggle. "I'm sure I will."

Will pulled Bill up by his collar. "Now, Celestia, we will leave you to get ready. Jillian should be here shortly, and then we will all have breakfast in the dining hall. We will see you then?"

"Definitely." You watched Will drag Bill out of the room, laughing as you heard Bill argue until their voices quieted down until there was nothing.

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