Lets talk

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Disgusted, outraged, furious with the recent decision of the Supreme Court to overturn roe v wade. What a generational step backwards for women. Each day America takes a step closer to third world. I'm so saddened by the amount of deaths this decision will cause. Saddened by the women, teens, CHILDREN, that will be subjected pregnancies they don't deserve or want.

How sad that choice, the most basic and fundamental right of all humans, was taken from us woman. Our worth has been diminished to nothing, rubble, and the reality is that the government will subject us to this reality and provide no aide or solutions.

Why should they? The old white MEN who made this decision have gotten what they wanted. A firm grip of control on women's bodies. How disgusting, I'm outraged that little girls have to grow up fearing their bodies.

As someone who can't take any form of birth control due to blood clotting issues I'm terrified. Especially when evil men make the decision to violate women everyday.

What a sad day in this ruined country.

I encourage every one of my readers to fight against this. To fight for your right to choose what you can and cannot do to your own body. Not just for you, but for generations of women before and after you.


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