44| The Reunited

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Serena would never admit to a living soul how utterly miserable the last five days were for her. She had never felt so bored and unmotivated in her all life. All this surprised her too, she used to be the kinda girl who relished being inside her house alone. She was productive, got work done, read, and kept to herself. But now the silence crept all around her and made the hairs on her skin crawl with chills, she was going stir-crazy without the tall flirty hockey player next door to keep her busy. She had to refrain from texting Connor at all hours of the day, that's how bad it was.

She took to writing a lot, keeping herself busy helped distract her brain from wandering too much to places she didn't want to think about. Those things are Skylyn. And in the moments Connor called or texted her, she found that a smile stuck itself permanently onto her lips and she was able to shut her brain off completely for a little while.

Another epiphany she had was her utter shock she went without sex for so long because these five days left her knees weak with desire. And her lungs gasping to share Connor's breath.

On the last day of Connor's trip, she was so sick with excitement, she had to keep herself busy or she would start driving to the airport to wait for him like a love-sick puppy. Serena put on some athletic shorts and a tank top and buried herself in the bed of flowers around the greenhouse.

With her gardening gloves on, she dug around in the dirt for hours. Watering the plants that were already there, picking out weeds, and putting in some new smaller flowers to fill in the gaps. After an hour she fell into a content rhythm. After she had made the flowerbeds completely perfect and then some. Serena started to remove some of the broken glass panes from the greenhouse walls, being very careful not to damage any of the delicate metal trim.

She set the old glass in neat piles to be recycled, and while she was carefully going along the old glue with a razor blade the sounds of a loud car engine made her still completely.

Her heart immediately began to flutter soft winds along her ribcage, making her lungs fill with air and her whole body swell with something electric.

After just a beat, Serena dropped the tool in her hand and whipped her head around. Her movements seemed to go in slow motion, and her eyes were wide with wonder as the stared forwards toward the direction of the car sounds.

She ripped off her gloved and ran out of the greenhouse, jogging over to the side of the house. Her chest was rising and falling quickly, the beat of her heart the only thing audible in her ears as a smile was threatening at the brink of her breathless lips.

She could see the black charger now, see the open door and the tall figure leaning into the front seat. She stopped where she stood on the grass, her smile now overtaking her lips in a dance of pure joy. Connor leaned out of the car, holding two duffle bags, and when he caught sight of her. He had that same smile and utterly breathless look across his face.

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