2| The Bathroom

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(Picture credit to @/peter_vigilante on tik tok. A scene from here was inspired by his video lmao)

_________________________________Connor Deluca liked the feeling of being liberated, free

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Connor Deluca liked the feeling of being liberated, free.

He was the oldest of 6 siblings, not including himself. His family was great, he had no complaints there. But his whole life he lived as the role model.

Connor's rebellious and free-spirited nature always contested this "role model" image his parents desperately wanted to force on him.

Hockey was his only vice. The only place where his fire and aggression was encouraged, and he could really be himself.

He excelled at the sport immediately at a young age. His parents were never too thrilled about the dangers, but that was the exact part Connor loved.

Ever since he was a teen he would hit on the girls giggling in the stands, and then hit his opponents on the ice.

He was a rowdy kid. Always getting into trouble, sticking his nose where it shouldn't. There was never a time he wasn't bruised or scratched.

And as he grew up into his teen years, all that stayed true. All that was new was now his head was stuck up girls skirts instead of stuck up in a tree.

Everything about hockey came naturally to him. So, when Connor was offered a full ride to play hockey at the best college in the state. He immediately took it.

His parents were just thrilled he was going to college.

Playing hockey for his college soon turned into him getting scouted his senior year. And before he knew it, he was playing for a professional team right after graduation. Connor could hardly blink before all this happened.

His parents were insanely excited for him, so was his siblings. His littlest sister, Honey, told him that he had to win all his game for her.

And that's exactly what he did. That's what he continued to do.

He hasn't lost a game yet and he hasn't broken his sisters promise, Connor sure as hell doesn't plan to break it any time soon.

He has been playing for his team for three years now, he's easily the best player in the league, being completely undefeated this season.

Even though Connor is insanely good at hockey, he's never let that get to his head. His team matters to him, and without them they wouldn't be undefeated or even as good as he was.

He owed everything he had to hockey. Especially his freedom. Because of hockey, he could buy his first house in Citrus Grove at 26, a million dollar house at that

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