27| The Hole in The Wall

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A/n: I'm a dummy and forgot I wrote the last chapter in Serena's perspective so two for her sorry lol!

______________Words were pouring out of Serena like an erupting geyser, all thanks to this Sunday agreement, all thanks to Connor

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Words were pouring out of Serena like an erupting geyser, all thanks to this Sunday agreement, all thanks to Connor.

She couldn't really explain it, but the intense and heavy emotions that constantly seemed to loom between them opened a spot in her brain that made words flows rapidly.

She had been typing fervently through the days, holed up in her study, letting the words flow through the unspoken ones.

Serena hadn't left her house since she walked in on Sunday, missing the Monday meeting, neglecting her own sleep, and forgetting meals. She was on a role, afraid that if she broke her focus for longer than ten minutes to feed Mayo, she'd hit a dead end again.

Connor's gaze occasionally broke her focus, his calloused touch, tanned body, and deep voice infiltrated her mind in waves of desire. His presence haunting her mind, making her crave things she knew she shouldn't.

The images gave her a rush of heat that stilled her fingers, for a moment she'd glance at her window towards his house before quickly turning back to her laptop.

Serena finished three chapters by the middle of Wednesday, once she hit the final period on her keyboard. She let out a long sigh and sent them off to Melody.

"That women is gonna be over the moon." She smiled to herself, letting pride wash over once the writers block melted away.

It felt good to be on task, to get things done, give her editor more than what was due and give it to her on time.

Serena stood up and ran her arms down her side, stretching her back till she heard three satisfying cracks followed by a wave of relief.

Mayo came trotting into the room, meowing up a storm, letting her know it was time for his lunch.

"Okay okay." She chuckled and leaned down, petting his furry head quickly before darting out of her study and into the kitchen.

Serena opened the door to her pantry and looked down at Mayo's kibble container. Empty.

"Crap...I totally forgot I was out." She groaned running a hand down her face.

When she got up from writing to feed Mayo and slap a cheese stick in her mouth, she was basically a zombie. She hadn't realized she needed to get another bag of food.

Mayo came in the kitchen after her, purring and slamming his head into her ankles. Clearly impatient and hungry.

"Ugh, I guess it was time I saw the light anyways. I'll be right back buddy!"

She grabbed a fistful of her keys, jumping into her converse as she ran to her door.

Locking it behind her, Serena clicked her key fob and her car lights buzzed to life.

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