48| The Art Of Running

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Serena really had no plan.

She ordered the Uber with no real destination in mind, just the certainty that if she didn't leave Citrus Grove for a little, she would be in shambles for the rest of the night.

It was the wee hours of Friday morning, and the only places that were open were gas stations and waffle houses.

Neither of which she wanted to go to.

Serena just put in the address to a park nearby.

The ride was quiet, which she silently thanked her Uber driver (Pierre) for. She wasn't in the mood to talk right now, and judging by the streaks of her makeup all over her face; her driver got that memo too.

When she got there, she was worried it would be gated off, but much to her delight, the giant jungle gym, swings, and open field area were not fenced off.

She thanked Pierre and left him a nice-sized tip before he sped off, leaving her completely alone with her thoughts.

She walked over to the line of still swings, moving into one with a soft sigh. She didn't want to allow herself to think about what just happened, who she saw. She wanted to just be present at the moment she was currently.

That's what her therapist used to recommend when she would have crippling flashbacks and panic attacks. Notice the moment you were in right now; describe what she could feel under her feet, the sensations in her body in such vivid detail he mind had no choice but to be present.

Right now, she felt the harsh press of the plastic swing into her thighs, and her legs felt weightless as they hung just barely above the ground. The wind had a very slight breeze, and it blew over her skin so subtly that she almost didn't notice it. The moon was bright and making her skin look murky. Her head hurt slightly, and the skin around her eyes felt tight from her dried eyes.

But the most overwhelming feeling she felt was the bitter love pouring out of her heart for Connor.

The sadness and heartbreak she felt at the very idea that he let her down, that he was the cause of her past coming into her life now.

She wasn't stupid. Serena knew there was more to the story she probably didn't know. Holes to fill in. She had questions, too. Were they friends? Did he just show up? Why did she have this sinking feeling that no matter how hard she wanted it, no one could keep her safe?

She wanted to be wrapped in Connor's arms again, and she wanted to believe that safety he breathed into her skin. But every time she thought she was accepting it, something happened, and he inadvertently hurt her. Maybe it was a sign from the universe that loving again was a bad idea.

She was starting to think she was allergic to love. Every time she got a taste of it, there were all these bad reactions. Some people, like her, weren't meant to have it.

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