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____________The audacity of Connor Deluca astounded Serena everyday

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The audacity of Connor Deluca astounded Serena everyday.

A fuming smear molded perfectly on her face as she yanked the fist full of his jersey across the ice and over to the gate.

Once there she pulled him off the ice and he stumbled behind her, "Aye, watch it, you gonna stretch out the neckline!"

Connor was much stronger and taller than Serena, so he was practically hunched over at her grip, and could easily break away, but he didn't.

She was sure the image of her frail, 5'5" , writer self dragging a 6'5" brawny hockey player around was comical.

She stomped off to a private area shaded by some of the stadium bleachers, she finally let go of him and whipped around, scowl gracing her face.

"What the fuck is your problem." Serena nearly snarled at him, crossing her arms under her chest.

"I'm not sure what you mean Shortcake." He lied, a stupid innocent look on his face, she wanted to slap it right off.

"Oh I'll tell you what I mean, why are you trying to sabotage my chances with a nice guy who's interested in me." Her expression was aghast, appalled at him.

He hated her half the time, pretty much only tolerated her when there was a possibility of getting her in his bed. The man tortured her nearly everyday, it was cruel he was trying to do it now too.

He just stayed silent, his face turning stony and void.

"Is this just more of you stupid games? More torture, more quips to get under my skin? Cause' I'm really over them now." Serena's heart hammered in her chest as she leaned forward glancing past him. Liam was still standing there leaning against the boards.

"He's not good for you." Connor simply rasped out, staring at her hard.

Her eyes widened as she turned back to him, her mouth parting with a disbelieving smile, "How
do you know what's good for me?"

He just narrowed his face in a scowl, jaw tightening.

"Because I think that me and Liam are good. Liam is nice, polite, and courteous, and good. There is no reason why I shouldn't accept his number, it's a hell of a lot better than whatever we have going on. Jesus Connor you can barely look at me without-"

Connor grabbed her waist and pulled her roughly against his frantic chest, his eyes were hardened and wild, immediately she shrank under his gaze. He leaned down into her neck and dragged his hot tongue along the sensitive spots, immediately knowing exactly where they were to make her knees feel like jell-o.

His hands roamed quickly all over her body, molding her even closer to him and undoing her completely, they groped and possessed her skin, palming her ass and gripping her waist. His arms wrapped around her, he was particularly holding her up, cause if he wasn't Serena would've crumpled to the floor, became a puddle at his feet.

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