Log Sixty-two: BODY

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9:15 pm

Dear, Diary

"Is there a problem?" His eyes were lingering on the lingerie.

Genius, right? "Lingering on the lingerie", bet that'll make Shantel laugh. So much for being a company—okay, I'm making her words get to me.

"Problem? Where?" Shantel asked and started laughing like a possessed baboon. Let me tell you something Bebi, all these movies don't lie when they portray some characters in hilarious lights because honestly, what's this Shantel attitude if not a scene straight out of a Tyler Perry movie?

"I thought I saw..."

'How long had he been standing there?' I began to wonder while he spoke.

"There's no problem—just normal sisters ish." I shrugged and watched him gaze at me in clear unbelief.

"Uh, okay. Your mum wants you in the kitchen..."

"Shantel!" Shantel quickly reminded him of her name with zero subtlety or shame. The awful odor of desperation filled the air and Elvis could smell it too.

"I'm sorry—I'm not really good with names," he smiled and gestured at me and God knows I was dying to ask him what he meant with some kind of reaction but I just smiled in return cos deep down, I knew what he meant.

"Oh, it's fine—just call me—,"

"—by your name, which is Shantel, now go and attend to mummy," I shoved her out of the room with a smile on my face and kicked the lingerie along with her right after. "I'm sorry about that—she can be embarrassing," I found myself chuckling nervously for reasons I still can't fathom.

"She's actually funny—when she's not trying." He confessed and I smiled and acknowledged his words with a nod. "So, what's the deal with the lingerie?" He asked and I was about to answer before he...

Before he took...

Before he took his shirt off and then I froze.

"Shaniqua..." he snapped his fingers right in front of my face and although it was the most embarrassing moment, I still struggled to keep my eyes up at his face—I mean, have you seen the 8 hard rocks on his belly? Phew!

"I hear my mum calling, I need to go." I fought out of my lips, gave a weak smile, picked my phone up—the one he gave me and then, I left his room like a nervous chicken.

I'm sure I heard him chuckling right after I shut the door behind me.

Stupid man.

Stupid...sexy man.


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