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"Oh my goodness!" I heard him say in a very funny way. He sounded like he was deliberately speaking in slow motion and I began to squint my eyes in confusion. Why was he overreacting? I thought to myself. "Listen to me, Shaniqua, can you hear me?"

"Sir?" I still had my eyes squinted.

"I'm asking if you can hear me, Shaniqua," he shouted. Why was he shouting?

"Why are you shouting sir?" I asked and I wondered why my voice was super slow and whispery.

"Goodness! I'm not shouting—you're just...high my friend," he said and I still couldn't help but wonder why he was shouting at the top of his voice and what did he mean by—wait a minute, why is Elvis everywhere in the room? Why won't he stay in place?

"Elvis, why are you running around?"

"What are you talking about, I'm just standing here—how much of my special brownies did you eat, you this girl?" He spoke very quickly but I picked the words, "special" and "brownies"

"What...special brownies?" I squinted my eyes but they felt awfully heavy.

"Come here, Shaniqua," he motioned towards me so quickly—like Damon in vampire diaries—I was startled for a second. "Relax, you need to juuuuuuuuuuusst...relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax," that was exactly how he sounded in my head but damn! He smelt like heaven though.

"Why do you smell so nice?" I sniffed and began to chuckle—wait a minute, why am I sniffing my boss? Why am I laughing? "Elvis? Something's happening to me!"

"Don't panic—I'm guessing this is your first time eating brownies," I heard him say from a distance even when he was just next to me but at least I heard him clearly.

"This isn't my first time eating brown—God! You smell so nice, Elvis—I can eat your—what am I saying?!"

"Shaniqua, look at me, just—,"

"Don't say relax again! You sound sloooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww wheeeeeeenn you—why am I talking slowly?"

"You're not talking slowly, it's all in your head, you need to sit for a minute. God! This is funny," I heard him chuckle and then I started to think he was making fun of me, and then I started to think he looked cute with the way he made fun of me, and then I started to question my sanity.

"That thing had weed in it, uh?" I heard myself ask and I wondered why I was still squinting my eyes like I was in a trance and why I had my head raised.

"Smart girl!" I heard him say and it felt like we were walking towards the couch but the couch looked so far away.

"Why?" I asked and my mouth felt suddenly dry...too dry.

"Why what? I hope you don't think I intended for you to eat it—,"

"Shhhh," I found my finger over his lips and surprisingly he let me. "You're'll wake the neighbors."

"Okay," he played along until he led me to the chair.  "I won't wake the neighbors..."

I remembered what I was going to ask. "Why did you leave the brownies there?"

"I intended to eat it," why the hell did he sound like Alvin the chipmunk?



"Then eat it."

"What?" 'Stop talking like that I thought as I tried my best not to laugh at how funny he sounded.

"Eat the brownie too—I die then you die too,"

"Nobody is dying here, Shaniqua. You're reacting this way to it probably because it's your first time and you ate a lot of it,"

"What are you saying? Why's your mouth moving fast? Just eat the brownies and stop talking,"

Why was he laughing?

"Do you really want the both of us high?"

"My mouth is so dry—why aren't you eating it yet?"

He paused to look at me for a while—it felt like his head was bouncing, and then his eyes starts growing bigger than his head. It was funny so I laughed and he laughed too, except he sounded like he was 10,000 feet away.

"I'll be right back," he told me and I nodded with a smile on my face as I sniffed him with a satisfactory smile on my face.

To be continued...

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Diary of the Crazy Shaniqua Bello Where stories live. Discover now