Chapter 4

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Sea of Passion #Season2
Chapter 4
By OJ Snow
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(At Elena's house)
(Elena's grandma screams loudly for help)

Elena's grandma: Aaaaaahhh! (she tries to escape from the room but the burning door prevents her from doing so) HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! HELP!!! (The heavy smoke begins to choke her & she starts coughing)

(Outside Elena's house, Three fishermen are passing by)

Fisherman 1: I can't wait to get home

Fisherman 2: Why is that?

Fisherman 1: Cause I can't wait to eat my wife's tasty delicacy. I wonder what she prepared for me, I hope it's steak and lobster

Fisherman 3: (laughing) You love food a lot!

Fisherman 1: Yup, The way to my heart is through my stomach (Just then, He catches sight of the large roaring flames emanating from Elena's burning house) Good Lord, Isn't that Elena's house?!

Fisherman 2: (He looks over as well) Yes, It is.

Fisherman 1: How could this happened?

Fisherman 3: I'm not sure, I think her grandma's still in there! We have to go save her!

(The fishermen quickly hurry towards the house. They barge into it but immediately step backwards due to the flaring hot flames)

Fisherman 1: (looking around in panick) It's all covered in fire...

Fisherman 2: Hold on, I can hear someone screaming

Fisherman 1: That's her grandma! (shouts) Grandma! Where are you?!!!

Elena's grandma: (she shouts from her room) Come closer, The second door on your right! (coughs)

(The fishermen follow her directions & they barge into her room and when they do, The burning roof comes crashing down)

Elena's grandma: (screaming) Aaaaahhh!

Fisherman 1: It's alright grandma (He swiftly scales through the fire with skilled agility & eventually gets to her) I'm here

Elena's grandma: (scared) My son...

Fisherman 1: Don't worry grandma, You'll be okay

(The fishermen all carry Elena's grandma out of the house before it eventually burns down to ashes and smithereens. And soon, The area is surrounded by numerous Seattlean villagers, witnessing the disastrous event)

Fisherman 1: You're safe now...

Elena's grandma: (wailing) My house! My house is gone! Where will I go from here?!!! (she sobs profusely)

Fisherman 2: There's no need to cry grandma, We'll definitely find you a good convenient place to stay

Elena's grandma: (relieved) Really?

Fisherman 1: Yes grandma. Elena was our very good friend and she always aided us whenever we needed help, This is how we're going to reward her kindness

Elena's grandma: Thank you my son, God will honor you

Fisherman 1: Amen! (To his friends) Let's get her away from here

(The fishermen carry Elena's grandma away from the scene)

Woman 1: This is totally mysterious, How could Elena's house have caught on fire?

Woman 2: Maybe her grandma left the gas cooker turned on or something, I honestly don't know

Woman 1: Hmph, Too bad. But atleast she wasn't burned by the fire

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