Chapter 31

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Sea of Passion #SEASON2
Chapter 31
By OJ Snow
Please like before reading 🙏
(At Mr Gilbert's mansion, In Elena's room)
(Harrison calls Elena)

Harrison: (over the phone) Hello? Elena, How're you doing?

Elena: Hey 

Harrison: Finally, You picked up my calls. Why have you been ignoring me this past few days? I already apologized to you for what I tried to do the other day... I wasn't myself

Elena: (she rolls her eyes) Mm-hmm, I hear you

Harrison: I'm sincerely sorry, Elena

Elena: It's cool, I forgive you. And for the record, I haven't been ignoring you Harry. I've just been really busy. I'll call you back when I'm less preoccupied

Harrison: But...

(Elena cuts the call)

Elena: (she sighs deeply) I really don't need all this drama in my life right now

(She walks to her wardrobe and opens it)

Elena: (shifting her clothes) Mmm, Now what am I gonna wear for my very much anticipated date with Vincent this evening... (she takes out a red gown) The red satin dress? Nice!

(At Vincent's mansion. He climbs downstairs, while wearing a plain white tuxedo with shiny red leather shoes)

Vincent's mother: Oooh, Do we have date tonight?

Vincent: (grabbing his car keys) Yeah Mom, Elena and I have a date this evening

Vincent's mother: Okay then, Enjoy yourselves.

Vincent: We will! (He leaves the house)

(Shortly after Vincent leaves, Cassandra comes downstairs)

Vincent's mother: Where are you going?!

Cassandra: To the flower shop

Vincent's mother: For?

Cassandra: What else would I go there to do? To buy flowers of course!

Vincent's mother: Why?

Cassandra: Smelling flowers helps me deal with depression and since your son can't buy them for me, I'd rather buy them myself! (She exits the house)

Vincent's mother: (hisses) Good riddance to bad rubbish!

(That evening)
(At Chuks Restaurant)

Elena: (entering into the restaurant) I'm glad we picked this restaurant for our date

Vincent: I actually wanted us to go someplace different because we usually  come here everytime, But I was sure you wouldn't have wanted us to have our date somewhere else, Would you?

Elena: (smiling) You have a point (looking  around) So where're we sitting?

Vincent: Don't worry, I already made a reservation.

Elena: Wow. You really are prepared for our date.

Vincent: (grins) I sure am.

(A waiter walks up to them)

Waiter: Table 6, This way...

(The waiter directs them to Table 6)

Elena: (she speaks Spanish to the waiter) Gráçias! (In English) Thanks.

Vincent: (amazed) You speak Spanish too?

Elena Yeah, This is Mexico City, You gotta learn how to speak Spanish.

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