Chapter 28

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Sea of Passion #SEASON2
Chapter 28
By OJ Snow
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(At Vincent's mansion)
(Orora returns downstairs from Cassandra's room, She's about to exit the house when Vincent's mother sees her)

Vincent's mother: Orora

Orora: (nervously) Good evening Mrs Manuel

Vincent's mother: What are you doing in this house? Even after my son's stern warning, You still returned back?!

Orora: (remorsefully) My apologies, Mrs Manuel. I simply came by to get some of my things and then leave. And umm, I also want to genuinely apologize for everything wrong I've done to you ma'am. I hope you forgive me

Vincent's mother: (she stares at Orora without saying anything to her)

Orora: (nods her heads) I get the message. I'll be taking my leave now. Bye!

(Orora exits the mansion)

(Later that evening)
(Cassandra returns home and climbs up to her room)

Cassandra: Gosh, I've had a long day (As she lays down on the bed, She notices many pieces of torn fabrics on the bed and on the floor) Huh? Where did all these rubbish come from?

(Cassandra traces the fabric pieces to the wardrobe, She then opens it and is completely dumbfounded on seeing all of her clothes badly torn and destroyed )

Cassandra: (panicks) Oh no, No no no, My expensive designer clothes! They're all ruined! (tears begin to build up in her eyes)
Awww, I know how much I suffered to get the money to buy these clothes (murderously) Aaaarrrrggghhhh! I sw€ar, If I find out whoever did this... I'll K!LL that person!

(Next Morning)
(At Mr Gilbert's mansion)

Elena: (she calls Vincent) Hello Vincent

Vincent: (over the phone) Hey babe, How're you?

Elena: Not too good, It's been so long since our last date

Vincent: (he chuckles) That was two days ago

Elena: I know, I just can't wait for us to see each other again. I think I'm lovesick (she laughs)

Vincent: Very soon alright?

Elena: Alright babe...

(Just then, Someone knocks very loudly at the front door)

Elena: Ugh, I wonder who that is (To Vincent) I'll call you back babe

Vincent: No worries

Elena: (As she hangs up, The person knocks louder again) I'm coming!

(Elena gets up from the couch and goes to open the door. Much to her shock and horror, She sees Cassandra)

Elena: Cassandra?

Cassandra: (smiling) Hello Elena!

Elena: (furiously) What the hell are you doing here?

(Cassandra ignores Elena's question and majestically catwalks into the living room then she sits down and relaxes on the couch, while crossing her legs)

Elena: (angrily) Excuse me, Are you sick or something? Who asked you to come in? (she points towards the door) Get out, Now!

Cassandra: We need to talk!

Elena: Talk about what?

Cassandra: About Vincent... So despite all of my warnings, You still refused to stay away from him huh? Apparently, It seems the lesson I taught you at Marcopolo isn't enough!

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