Chapter 10

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Sea of Passion #Season2
Chapter 10
By OJ Snow
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(At the hospital)
(Vincent and the medical personnels rush Cassandra into a ward)

Cassandra: (crying) Somebody please help me! I'm BURNING!

Dr Carl: Calm down, calm down... (He injects Cassandra with a tranquilizer)

Cassandra: Owww

Dr Carl: (Cassandra finally becomes calm, He then looks at Vincent) Don't worry Vincent Manuel, She'll be fine

Vincent: (he stares at a sleepy Cassandra in worry)

(Later that night)

Vincent: So, How is she?

Doctor Carl: She's much better now, Though the reason she was screaming is still unknown, She probably recounted a terrible past experience that led to her screaming. It's advisable that she shouldn't be under any kind of stress, And anything she wants should always be given to her, If not... She might d!e

Vincent: (speechlessly) Can I see her?

Doctor Carl: Sure.

(Vincent enters into Cassandra's ward)

Vincent: Hey

Cassandra: (weakly) Vincent, I'm so sorry for causing a scene at the party, It wasn't my intention.

Vincent: It's ok, It's not your fault.

Cassandra: Did the doctor tell you what's wrong with me?

Vincent: He said you probably recounted a past experience, And you shouldn't be under stress or else you might die.

Cassandra: (scared) I don't wanna die. (She holds his hand)

Vincent: Don't worry, Nothing's gonna happen to you.

(Doctor Carl enters the ward)

Vincent: When is she going to be discharged?

Doctor Carl: Well, Now that she's better, She can go home tomorrow.

Vincent: That's good, I'll go call my PA.

(Vincent leaves the ward)

Cassandra: (smirks) So? Did you tell him what I told you to?

Doctor Carl: Yeah I did.

Cassandra: Wonderful! Now that you told him that i might d!e if I'm under stress, I'm gonna make sure I manipulate and control him to make him do my every bidding (she smiles with contentment)

Doctor Carl: So what's in this for me?

Cassandra: (smirks) Well, Since I can now make Vincent do anything to please me, I'll obviously benefit greatly from his wealth and properties and so will you.

Doctor Carl: You're a smart woman. You deserve some accolades, I wonder how you we're able to pull off the act at the party.

Cassandra: Trust me, it wasn't easy. But you know what they say - Good things never come easily.

Dr Carl: (grins) Indeed

(At Harrison's house)

Harrison: (annoyed) Elena what was that sh!t all about?! You made us leave the party for absolutely no reason!

Elena: It's not like that Harry, I just got tired

Harrison: Tired of what exactly? (Elena remains silent, causing him to stare at her suspiciously) You're hiding something!

Sea of Passion Season 2Where stories live. Discover now