Chapter 40

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Sea of Passion #SEASON2
Chapter 40
By OJ Snow
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(Next Morning)
(At the barn)

Elena: What're you cooking?

Ted: Fish soup. You'll eat?

Elena: Of course I'll eat, Fish soup is my favorite (smiling) My grandma used to make it for me everyday... (sighs) I miss her

Ted: Is she dead?

Elena: No, she's still alive. But she's in Seattle, That's where I grew up

Ted: (shocked) Unbelievable! A rich woman like you grew up in Seattle? That's really shocking to hear

Elena: Yeah well, Don't act too surprised. Life isn't a bed of roses. I came from a poor background without even knowing my father but not until recently, when I found him.

Ted: (sighs) My parents are dead. My father was a farmer just like me and what he ever wanted was to become rich and famous very fast so he became an armed robber... But unfortunately, he was killed during his first robbery operation and my mom died of heart attack on hearing the news, Even my little sister is nowhere to be found.

Elena: I'm really sorry about that

Ted: Don't be, it's all in the past. My dream is to become a model

Elena: Tell you what? If I make it out of here alive, I'll help make your dream come true, I promise

Ted: Really?

Elena: Yeah, I mean you have a nice toned  muscular body, a good height, a good skin  tone and an overall alluring physique. You could model for Elena's Place, You'll do just fine.

Ted: (excited) Wow! Thank you so much! (he hugs her)

Elena: You're welcome (she glances around anxiously) Oh God, What's taking them so long...?

(At The Lunatic Asylum)

Cassandra: (she bites her fingernails due to extreme boredom) Ugh...

Nurse: (she walks in) Miss Cassandra, You have a visitor

Cassandra: Who?

Nurse: He said his name is Simon

Cassandra: Okay, Let him in

(Simon walks in shortly)

Cassandra: Hi Simon! Why'd you come to see me unannounced? You should've informed me over the phone first!

Simon: (annoyed) That's not relevant. I came here for us to talk.

Cassandra: Talk about what?

Simon: About Mr Leon and Elena

Cassandra: (puzzled) What about them?

Simon: When Mr Leon arrived in Mexico City, He didn't contact his brother or any of his family members but instead, He came to you, Why is that?

Cassandra: How would I know? Am I Leon?

Simon: Okay fine, When I saw you here with him the other day, What were you both discussing about?

Cassandra: Ugh, Why all these questions?

Simon: Because Elena was kidnapped by Mr Leon. He has a beef with his brother, Mr Gilbert and he wants to get back at him through Elena... And my logic is that he must have told you about this and that you're aware he was gonna kidnap Elena

Cassandra: (scoffs) Of course not! Don't be absurd. I know nothing about her kidnapping!

Simon: Look me in the eye and tell me you don't know anything about Elena's kidnapping

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