Chapter 37

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Sea of Passion #SEASON2
Chapter 37
By OJ Snow
Please like before reading
(Outside The Lunatic Asylum)

Caitlin: I wonder what's taking Orora so long (she checks her wristwatch) It's been ten minutes already...

(Just then, Orora comes out of the asylum, looking sad)

Caitlin: (concerned) Orora, What's the matter? Did you see Simon?

Orora: (sadly) Caitlin... My instincts were right, Simon has been cheating on me this whole time

Caitlin: (shocked) Huh? With who?

Orora: (crying) With Cassandra. She's the one he's been coming here to see. I caught him kissing her (sighs) I'm so sad,  I don't even know what to do

Caitlin: Let's go home first. We'll hear what he has to say about this okay?

Orora: (she nods her head)

(Back at Mr Gillbert's house)
(In the palour)

Mr Gilbert: Simon, You're home...

Simon: Yes sir (glancing around) Uhhh, Where's Orora?

Mr Gillbert: She left the house an hour ago.

Simon: Oh well, I'll be up in my room! (He goes upstairs)

(Orora & Caitlin return a few minutes later)

Caitlin: We're home!

Mr Gillbert: You two are back finally, Where'd you go? (noticing Orora's moody appearance) What's wrong, Orora?

Orora: (devastated) It's Simon. He has been going out to see Cassandra at the lunatic asylum all these while. I caught them kissing red handed

Mr Gillbert: What? I have to slap some sense into that boy!

Orora: No Uncle, I'll talk to him myself. I can handle this.

(Orora climbs upstairs)

Caitlin: I just hope she'll be fine.

Mr Gilbert: (sighs) So do I

(In Orora and Simon's room)

Orora: (opening the door)

Simon: Wow, You're back. It's not quite long I returned home too

Orora: Simon, I know what you've been up to lately

Simon: How do you mean?

Orora: Don't act innocent! I know you've been going out to see Cassandra all this  while!

Simon: (shocked) Wait... So you've been stalking and spying on me?

Orora: I had every right to! I saw you and her kiss, Don't even try to deny it!

Simon: (boldly) I'm not going to deny it. Listen Orora, You're really cool and pretty but the truth is... I like Cassandra

Orora: (utterly stunned) What???

Simon: I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I love Cassandra and she loves me too.

Orora: (annoyed) Wait wait wait, Are you even listening to yourself Simon?! How on earth can you love a m@d woman like Cassandra? What does she have to offer you that I can't?

Simon: Well atleast she's not over possessive, I'm really sorry you had to find out this way! (He grabs his towel) I'll be going in to take a shower

(Simon goes into the bathroom leaving Orora overly devastated & she eventually breaks into tears)

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