Chapter 11

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Sea of Passion #Season2
Chapter 11
By OJ Snow
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(To her utmost shock, Orora raises her hand & slaps Vincent's mother across her face. Cassandra is shocked by this as well)

Vincent's mother: (shocked) You hit me?

Orora: Yes and I'll do worse to you the next time you try to chastise me! (She kicks her chair aside & exits the dining room)

Vincent's mother: (she looks on in shock as Orora leaves)

Cassandra: (pretentiously) Aye, Mrs Manuel, I'm sure that slap must've shocked you to the bones. Please pardon Orora, She's certainly oblivious of what she's doing, I'm sure she'll come around and apologize when she cools down.

(Vincent's mother leaves the dining room without saying anything to Cassandra)

Cassandra: (she smirks dev!lishly) Good for you

(Cassandra then goes up to their room)

Cassandra: Orora d@rling, You okay?

Orora: (vexed) Not really Cassie, That old h@g always gets on my nerves, Always poking her nose into what doesn't concern her! I'm sorry I walked out on our discussion

Cassandra: There's nothing to apologize for sweetie, You did a great job! (she gives Orora a high-five)

(Later that day)
(Vincent returns home)

Vincent: Mom, I'm home. I have amazing news (noticing her sad mood) What's the matter? Who offended you?

Vincent's mother: (sadly) It's nothing really

Vincent: It's definitely not "nothing", Why then do you look so unhappy?

Vincent's mother: (sighs) I shouldn't have let you to bring that girl called Orora along with us, I made a mistake. Do you know that she slapped me today just because i warned her against speaking ev!l, She even assured me that she will do her worst to me if I ever crossed her path again (she shows him the slap mark on her cheek) 

Vincent: (enraged) HOW DARE HER DO THIS TO YOU?!!!

Vincent's mother: (sadly) I don't even where I went wrong...

(Vincent furiously goes upstairs to Orora & Cassandra's room and his mother accompanies him)

(Inside their room)

Cassandra: (looking through a magazine) Gosh, These models have really hot  b@nging bodies.

Orora: (painting her fingernails) Oh please, It's obviously surgery (hisses) Besides, those girls are nothing but boyfriend snatchers!

Cassandra: Hmph, How do you know?

Orora: Because it's so obvious... I pity women who don't secure their men from boyfriend and husband snatchers! But If I notice any girl trying to make a move on my boyfriend, Simon, I'll beat her blue black!

Cassandra: (she stares at Orora with narrowed eyes)

(Just then)

Vincent: (shouting angrily) ORORA! OPEN THIS DOOR!!! (He bangs harder on the door) ORORA!

(Cassandra opens the door for Vincent and he furiously barges into their room, along with his mother)

Vincent: Orora!

Orora: (closing her nail polish bottle) Yes? Any problem?

Vincent: (sternly) My mom just informed me that you hit her while I wasn't home. Is that true?

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