Chapter 21

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Sea of Passion #SEASON2
Chapter 21
By OJ Snow
Please like before reading
(The Wedding Day)
(In Caitlin's dressing room)

Elena: (decorating her hair) You make a gorgeous bride, Mama

Caitlin: Thanks sweetheart, You know I truly can't believe this is happening, It's just like a dream... I wish your grandma were here

Elena: So do I, But you know how attached she is to Seattle. Leaving is a very big deal to her

Caitlin: (frowns) I'm aware...

Elena: No no no, No frowning! It's gonna ruin your make-up and distort your beautiful face, I don't want that!

Caitlin: (smiles) Yes ma!

Elena: (she giggles)

(Just then, Mary enters into the room)

Mary: (astonished) Whoa, You look so enchanting Mrs Gilbert... Like a goddess

Caitlin: (she chuckles) Thank you Mary

Mary: Everyone is already waiting

Elena: Ok, We need to head out now. Are you ready Mom?

Caitlin: I'm ready.

(Elena and Mary places the veil over Caitlin's head then they all go outside)

(Outside, In the garden)
(Elena and Mary escorts Caitlin down the aisle)

Pastor Gabriel: We are gathered here in sight of God and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and woman in holy matrimony and in the love of God.

(He prays then shortly after, He takes Caitlin's right hand and places it in Mr Gilbert's left hand)

Pastor Gabriel: Please join hands... I ask you each, to repeat the marriage vows

Mr Gilbert: I, Gilbert, take you, Caitlin, for my lawfully wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in good health from this day forward

Caitlin: I, Caitlin, take you, Gilbert, for my lawfully wedded husband, To love and cherish, For better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in good health from this day forward.

Pastor Gabriel: If there's anyone in this congregation who doesn't want this man and woman to be joined together as one, Please speak now or forever hold your peace

(The congregation remains silent)

Pastor: (he places the wedding rings in his hands) May the Lord bless the rings which you give to each other as a sign of love, devotion and everlasting peace, Amen... As you place this rings on your fingers, I ask you to repeat these words

Mr Gilbert & Caitlin: (to each other) This ring is my sacred gift to you, A sign that from this day forward and always, my love will surround you.

(They wear the ring for each other and the pastor prays for them)

Pastor: For as much as Gilbert and Caitlin have consented together in holy matrimony before God and have pledged their faithfulness to each other and declared their love by giving and receiving rings and by joining hands, I now, By the authority vested in me as a pastor, declare that, Mr Gilbert and Mrs Caitlin Gilbert are now husband and wife in the name of the Father, The son and the holy spirit, Whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder (To Gilbert) You may now kiss the bride.

(Mr Gilbert lifts up Caitlin's veil then they both share a deep passionate kiss and the entire congregation claps for them)

Pastor: I now present Mr and Mrs Gilbert!!!

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