Chapter 15

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Sea of Passion #SEASON2
Chapter 15
By OJ Snow
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(At Marcopolo)
(Vincent holds Elena's hand while looking into her eyes, in a heartfelt moment) 

Vincent: Please Elena...

Elena: (sighs) Fine

Vincent: So do you forgive me?

Elena: I'll think about it (she finally lets out a smile) Besides I shouldn't punish you by not accepting your apology after coming all the way to Mexico City

Vincent: (laughs) Hahahahaha...

Elena: Maybe I've been taking this too far and that's been kinda childish (pauses) I forgive you for everything...

(Elena hugs Vincent passionately)

Vincent: (excited) Thank you so much, Elena, You don't how happy you've made me

Elena: (giggles) You're welcome. In the meantime, I should enjoy this evening

Vincent: You mean WE should enjoy this evening. Come on, Let's go dance.

Elena: Alright.

(Vincent takes Elena's hand and they both go to the dancefloor)

(Cassandra comes out from the restroom & goes to meet Harrison at the bar counter)

Cassandra: You're still here?

Harrison: Yeah, I'm waiting for my change

Cassandra: (she rolls her eyes in annoyance) Ugh! The person attending to you must be really slow

Harrison: (laughs) Yeahhh

(Cassandra then looks over to the dancefloor and is enraged on seeing Vincent dancing intimately with Elena)

Cassandra: Uh oh! What's Vincent doing with that fisherwoman?

Harrison: Who?

Cassandra: Elena, The woman you came here with.

Harrison: (he looks over to the dancefloor as well) They're just having fun

Cassandra: (angrily) Fun? I know Elena is in love with Vincent and will do anything to snatch him from me

Harrison: Don't be ridiculous

Cassandra: Argh! I wonder what it's like to be so stup!d, Keep thinking Elena loves you until another man snatches her away from you. But I won't let any woman do that to me!

(Cassandra attempts to walks over to where Vincent and Elena are but Harrison holds her back)

Harrison: Hold on, We'll go together

(Harrison collects his change and leaves with Cassandra, They return back to their table and watch Vincent & Elena)

Cassandra: (disgusted) Eugh, They're dancing together (she turns to Harrison with rising anger) Do you see what you caused?!

Harrison: Chill out Cassandra, They're just dancing

Cassandra: If you hadn't left her all by herself then Vincent wouldn't have taken her to dance!

Harrison: Well I don't see them doing anything wrong, Maybe you're just over reacting

(A waiter walks up to them)

Waiter: Uhh Sir, Are you the one with the car plate number XL197-RQ0?

Harrison: Yeah, Why?

Waiter: Your car is parked in a handicapped spot, I'll need you to come and change it's position

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