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After lunch I decided to leave because I needed to clear my head so I everything I had in my Car and drove to the woods and when I got there it was peaceful just the way I like it so I put my earbuds in and started listening to music and then I stared drawing again because it's something I can focus on and get my mind off Jason. But as soon as I stared drawing again I felt a tap on my shoulder so I took out me earbuds and saw Eddie standing behind me and I offered him to sit down which he did and then he asked me what was wrong and I told him and then he offered me a hug which I told him it was ok to hug me and then we stared talking about music and his band which the whole time he was at the woods I couldn't stop thinking about how I liked him. As we were talking about music he wanted to go threw my Playlist which I let him and we found out that we have to same taste in music.

After lunch I left school because I had nothing to do so I went to the woods as usual but I saw someone else's car there also so I decided to park and go see who it was. It was yn. She was just sitting there drawing again so I walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulder and she turned and offered me to sit which I did but I knew something was wrong so I asked what was wrong and they told me what happened so I offered them a hug which they took the hug and I asked to look thru their sketche book because I like their drawing the did at lunch. And she let me. After I looked at her sketches wrong started talking about music and my band and found out were alike but as they were about to leave I admitted to them that I liked them and they turned around and said they liked me too.
after a couple of hours in the woods with Eddie I was about to leave and he stopped me from leaving and admitted to liking me and I told him I liked him too. So he asked if I wanted to hang out at his place so we can get to know each other more which I said yes. So I got back in my car and followed him to his trailer and when I parked he opened my door for me and opened the house doors. I then asked him what he wanted to do and I said we could watch a movie and talk and he was ok with that. The movie we picked was the conjuring which I was ok with because I loved horror movies. As we were watching the movie we talked but It was getting late so I asked if I could stay over and he said sure but then I asked him if I could barrow a hoodie or something to change into and he said yea.

After I found out yn liked me I invited her to my house so I could get to know her more and we ended up watching a movie and talking but by the end of the movie it was really late so she asked if she could stay over and of course I said yea. And then she asked for a hoodie to change into so I gave her one.

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