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After Eddie said that I said "baby I know and I have a question" he then looked back down at me and said what's your question. I then said "my question is would it be ok with you if I got a tattoo" the then looked at me and said "why wouldn't I be ok with it. I have some myself" I then said "I know you do I've seen them but I just thought to ask because I just wanted to know your answer" he then said "if you got a tattoo It would only make you even more sexy" I then smiled. Eddie then asked why that question came up and I responded with "getting a tattoo would one be cool and two it would be a experience I want to experience and three it would probably hurt and it'll take my mind off off everything." Eddie then smiled and asked me when I wanted to get it. I then said that I would like to get one before we graduate. Eddie then smiled again. Then we went back to watching the movie. After the movie was over Eddie then wanted to lay down and asked me if I wanted to go to his bed or if I wanted to stay on the couch. I then said that I wanted to stay on the couch. He then said ok and laid down next to me. We then put on another movie and both ended up falling asleep. We then got rudely woke up by Dustin barging in. I wasn't awake but Eddie was and I heard him as Dustin why he was here and that's when I woke up. Dustin then said "why did you postpone the campaign" Eddie then goes "rember what happened to yn today" Dustin then said yea. Eddie then goes "yn needed me and she said she was scared to be alone so that's why I postponed it" Dustin then goes "she could of came to the campaign" then Eddie said "I asked her but she said she didn't Wanna be around alot of people and it would only make things worse" then Dustin goes "oh" and he leaves. After Dustin left Eddie asked me if smoking would make me feel better. I then said we can give it a try. Eddie then got up and grabbed my bag and said "I don't Wanna smoke a blunt tonight so can you tell me where your cart is and I'll get it" I then told him where it was at. When he found my cart he also found my vape. He then looked at me and sat my bag down and brought both over. He then goes "I didn't think you vape" I then told him that I just got it to try it. He then goes ok and took 3 hits off of my cart then handed it to me and I took 3 hits also. After that we let the weed kick in and I was already feeling better. We then started talking about the most random shit. As we were talking my phone was blowing up and Eddie looked at me and goes "love why does your phone always have to ruin our high moments" I then said "idk but can you check who it is" he then said yea and grabbed my phone and checked it. As soon as he checked it he said its Joyce and hopper. Then he gave me my phone. I then called hopper to see what he wanted. He then answered and said "yn, I know alot has happened today but something else just happened" I then responded with "what happened now" and hopper goes "I guess you haven't heard" I then replied with "no I haven't heard anything because I've been with Eddie and I was just getting high so what is it that I need to here" hopper then goes "your dad is in the hospital and what do you mean you just got high" I then replied with "why is he in the hospital and I just did weed with Eddie to make me feel better " then hopper goes "this isn't a way to tell a father figure you smoke but I can't control what you do and the thing with your dad he got into a bar fight and has lost alot of blood" I then said "ok it's on him not me" hopper then tells me "yn you don't mean that" I then tell him "yes hopper I do mean that" hopper then sighs and goes "yn I'm not gonna argue with you but what are you gonna do if he does die" I then said "hop I know you don't Wanna hear this but I honestly wouldn't care because of all the stuff he has put me threw since my mom died" hopper then goes "would you at least come and say goodbye" I then looked at Eddie And Eddie then placed his on my cheek and started rubbing it. I then told hopper "yes I'll come say goodbye and even tho I just said I wouldn't care ill miss him a little bit because he's my dad but when he does die you know you and Joyce will be my parents now right" hopper then says "I know you'll miss him a little bit and as of the thing with Joyce and I we can't adopt you since your 18 but we will still be your parental figures" I then said "I know that and I'll see you and Joyce at the hospital and Eddie is coming along because I can't do this on my own right now" hopper then said "ok see you soon" and then we hung up. I then got up and looked at Eddie and he got up and threw on a shirt then we grabbed shoes and went to the hospital. When we got to the hospital we went up to my dad's room and I told Eddie that he can come in or he can stay in the hall. He then goes "I'm coming in so you don't have to do this alone" I then said ok and we walked in together. I then looked at my dad and said "even tho your not the best dad in the world I'm still your daughter and I still care about you even tho its just a little bit but I came to say goodbye" my dad then looked at me and goes "yn, I'm sorry for everything that I've done and I've came to realize that it's not your fault that your mom died and I shouldn't of took it out on you. And you have every right to hate me but I do love you and I'm sorry I never said it but I am really proud of you" as he was saying that it was bringing tears to my eyes and Eddie saw that and he grabbed my hand so I knew he was there. After that I went to my dad and hugged him while Eddie was still holding my hand and I said "I feel bad for wishing you were dead but you'll always be my dad and if you need to go you can" then I stepped back and my dad died. After he died hopper pulled me out of the room and said "yn I know your dad just died but why do you have hickeys on your stomach" I then looked at him and said "what to you mean" he goes "yn your wearing a crop top and I can see them" it was at that moment I realize I forgot I was wearing a crop top. I then said "there from Eddie but there old and remember you can't get mad at me because I'm 18" he then looked at me and goes "your right I can't get mad at you and I was just wondering who they were from" then I looked at him and said "I wanna cremate my dad" he then goes "that's random but ok" I then said "I only want you, Joyce, Eddie and I to be there when I get his ashes back and you guys can say something when I get his ashes back but I don't want anyone else there ok" hopper then says ok. I then went back into the room and grabbed Eddie then left.

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