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Time skip to the next morning (it's a Saturday)

I woke up and Eddie wasn't in the bed which had me slightly confused but I got out of bed and found the hoodie he let me barrow and I put it back on so I can go look for him. After I put his hoodie on I went out into the living room and saw him there. He was getting ready for his dnd campaign and he heard me because I stepped on something then he turned and looked at me and said " good morning princess" and then I looked at him and said "morning" he then invited me to go play dnd with him but I told him "I'd rather not because idk how to play and I didn't wanna distract him" which he understood. And he asked what I'd be doing today and I said probably skating and hanging with Robin. After that it was time for him to go she he hugged me and kissed me but before he left ge goes "ima take you somewhere later tonight so be ready" After he left I found my phone and tried calling Robin but she didn't answer so I just drove home to get a shower and changed. After I got changed I tried calling Robin again and this time she finally answered and I told her we needed to talk and she goes I'm with Steve rn but I can leave if I need to and then I told her it was urgent so I heard her yelling at Steve to hurry up because she needs to go.

While I was hanging out with Steve I got a call form yn saying we needed to talk which wasn't like her and she sounded serious so I had Steve drive me over to her house and he asked if he could come in also which I texted yn to make sure it was ok but the she told me no it's girl stuff so I told Steve that and he goes "oh that kind of stuff, yea I don't wanna be apart of this" and as soon as I got out of his car he drove off.

As soon as Steve dropped Robin off I started telling her was happened with Jason and I and she got really mad and said " he didn't deserve you anyway and didnt I made a promise to you that if he hurts you I'll hurt him way more" I then told her to just drop it because I've moved on and she looked confused. Then I told her about what happened with Eddie and I even tho I told him not to tell anyone because I didn't Wana seem like a hoe or anything. But then she looked at me and goes "yay you FINALLY told him your feelings" then she hugged me. But I then told her that she can't tell anyone and she said ok. Then I asked her if she wanted to go skating or something to pass the time and she goes yea. While we were skating she kept looking at me and she finally asked if Eddie and I did it because she could see a hickey on my neck and I told her that we did and she asked how it was and I said it was better than the times Jason and I did it and she goes oh so that good huh. And then I just looked at her and she goes I was joking. And then she asked if he knew what happened and I told her yea.

As soon as I got inside yn started telling me what happened and I'll admit the thing that happened between her and Jason was messed up but it wasn't her fault. And then she started telling me about her and Eddie and I'm happy for her finally admiting her feelings for him but now I can't tell Steve because Steve likes her and she told me not to tell anyone. And then she asked if I wanted to skate and I told her yea. The entire time we were skating she seemed happier than she was before. Ig it's because she's finally out of her abusive relationship and her life has turned around. But it became the time we needed to get home so I just skated to my house and she skated back to her house.

When we were done skating I went back home so I could get ready for the thing Eddie had planned. But before I got ready I decided to smoke so I rolled a blunt and smoke it and I realized that I had to get ready do I hurried up and hid my tray and got ready. When Eddie pulled up he knocked on the door and I told him he could come in but not upstairs because I wasn't ready yet. When I was finally ready I told him he could come up the stairs now. When he got up the stairs he tripped over something and I asked if he was ok and he said he was fine. Then he came into my room and he smiled when he saw me and I smiled when I saw him but then he looked around my room and said "we have more in common than I thought" then I smiled again.

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