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After I told Eddie we started talking about the house situation.

Eddie ~ are you sure you wanna move back into your house

Yn ~ yes I'm sure but I only want to if you wanna move

Eddie ~ I'm fine with moving

Yn ~ I was just making sure. Also there is enough room at the house for your uncle to have a room if he wants

Eddie ~ I'll have to talk to him about it but how are you gonna move stuff since your pregnant

Yn ~ I'll be able to move light stuff but since I'm pregnant I don't wanna be treated helpless

Eddie ~ ok I just don't want you hurting yourself or the baby

Yn ~ ok

Eddie ~ since I've only been in your room of the house how many rooms are there

Yn ~ there is 5 bedrooms

Eddie ~ that's alot why did your parents buy that big of a house

Yn ~ I have no idea

Eddie ~ can we start moving after graduation

Yn ~ yea because we still have to sell my dad's stuff

Eddie ~ ok and I've been wondering wouldn't you being back in your house trigger you

Yn ~ I wouldn't think so

Eddie ~ ok and are you gonna go to school next week

Yn ~ most likely because I've already been out of school for 2 weeks

Eddie ~ ok I was just wondering

After we were done talking Eddie kept looking at my stomach and smiling. Eddie's uncle then walked in.

Mr munson ~ ok good you guys have clothing on this time

Eddie ~ yea and you walking in on us wasn't our fault you know

Yn ~ he didn't know we were doing it

Mr munson ~ exactly but I should of knocked

Eddie ~ yea you should of but we have something to ask you and tell you

Mr munson ~ ok

Eddie ~ the thing we wanna ask you is would you be ok with moving

Mr munson ~ moving where

Yn ~ since my dad died his house is now mine and Eddie is already ok with moving but there is a extra bedroom and I was thinking about giving it to you

Mr munson ~ I wouldn't be there all the time tho

Yn ~ I know but like when you are there

Mr munson ~ I mean sure I guess

Eddie ~ ok and now the thing we have to tell you. The only reason the moving topic got brought up is because yn is pregnant

Mr munson ~ Eddie how many times have I told you to use protection

Eddie ~ alot but I didn't

Mr munson ~ ok but congrats

Yn ~ thanks and before you ask is it his. Yes it is and I'm sure it's his

Mr munson ~ I wasn't gonna ask that because you don't seem like the person to do that but thanks for the  clarification tho. Also what are you gonna do about graduation

Yn ~ I'm gonna go and not be a high school drop out

Eddie ~ she is also making me go

Mr munson ~ ok and all I came here for was to check on how Eddie was doing so I'm gonna leave now

Yn & Eddie ~ ok bye

After Mr munson left Eddie and I kissed and he had his had on my stomach.

Eddie ~ yn with you being pregnant dose this mean we can't have sex or smoke together anymore

Yn ~ Eds we still can we will just have to be more careful

Eddie ~ okay also how are you gonna tell Joyce and hopper

Yn ~ idk I'm sure I'll figure out a way

Eddie ~ ok and I'll be there with you only if you want me to

Yn ~ I do and I'll probably tell them at graduation or something because they were talking about taking me and you to Cali with them

Eddie ~ that means I would have to fly

Yn ~ I'll be there with you tho

Eddie ~ right. Also why do they wanna go to Cali

Yn ~ idk there probably gonna buy property there or something

Eddie ~ who else would be there

Yn ~ If we go that would be us, Joyce, hopper, El, max, will, and Jonathan

Eddie ~ why not Nancy also

Yn ~ she has no reason to go

Eddie ~ oh I thought her and Jonathan were still together

Yn ~ nah they broke up awhile ago because Nancy loves Steve but she won't admit it

Eddie ~ makes sense but weren't they together before

Yn ~ no they just like each other but won't admit it

Eddie ~ I think they should admit they like exch other

Yn ~ that's what I keep telling them but they won't listen

Eddie ~ oh but are you wanting to go to Cali

Yn ~ I was thinking about it but I'm not sure

Eddie ~ oh, honestly it'll be weird to go on vacation with Mike and will

Yn ~ why because their our friends

Eddie ~ yea

Yn ~ I'm sure it'll be fine

Eddie ~ ok but that is alot of people and won't flying hurt the baby

Yn ~ it is alot of people and no it wouldn't

Eddie ~ ok and I'll have to think about it still but can we watch a movie

Yn ~ yea

Eddie then put on a movie and I ended up laughing on him and falling asleep. I then woke up in his arm to him carrying me to bed after the movie was over. He then got in bed beside me and kissed me on the fore and fell asleep

The Relationship Between Eddie Munson And Yn Where stories live. Discover now