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After our bath Eddie went to his room but I stayed in the bathroom. Why I stayed in the bathroom was because I felt a little off and I also felt sick. But I ignored it and dried off and went into Eddie's room.

Eddie ~ hey are you ok you look like somethings wrong

Yn ~ I think it's nothing

Eddie ~ what do you mean love (said in a worried tone)

Yn ~ I don't know I just feel a little off but I'm sure I'm fine

Eddie ~ is it something emotionally or physically

Yn ~ physically but I already know what your gonna say and the answer is no you didn't do anything wrong during spicy time and actually it felt really great but it's my stomach

Eddie ~ ok love.

After that we finished getting dressed. (I am wearing one of Eddie's hell fire shirts and boody shorts. Eddie is wearing a Metallica band shirt with black sweat pants) Eddie and I  then laied on Eddie's bed (Eddie is laying on top of me and using me as a pillow) after we laid down I started playing with Eddie's hair.

Eddie ~ love can we watch a movie

Yn ~ yea we can but what movie do you wanna watch

Eddie ~ honestly I wanna watch a scary movie

Yn ~ I'm fine with that but can we watch Trick or treat

Eddie ~ sure

As I'm playing with Eddie hair still I put on the movie. About half way through the movie I stopped playing with Eddie's hair and switched to his rings. By the end of the movie Eddie and I were both asleep. After about 4 hours we woke up

Eddie ~ love I'm really hungry are you hungry 

Yn ~ yes I honestly am

Eddie ~ I'm sure neither of us wanna cook anything is going out ok?

Yn ~ yea but can we Arby's please

Eddie ~ of course love

Yn ~ wait really

Eddie ~ yes love

We then got out of bed and went outside.

Eddie ~ can we take your car

Yn ~ yea sure

Eddie ~ can I drive

Yn ~ yes but not crazy

Eddie ~ I promise I won't (he says while smiling)

Eddie then opened the passenger door for me and I got in. Then Eddie got in and he drove to Arby's. The entire time Eddie looked so happy driving my car also he was holding my hand the entire way. When we got to Arby's Eddie ordered and he already knew what I wanted because we came here alot when I was suspended. After ordering our food he paid for it and we went back home. While driving home

Eddie  ~ yn love are you sure your ok you look really pale

Yn ~ I think I'm fine

Eddie ~ are you just saying that to say that or do you actually think your fine

Yn ~ Eddie I promise I'm saying it because I actually think I'm fine

Eddie ~ ok I'm just gonna keep a eye on you for now but if anything severe happens I will take you to the er no matter if you fight me or not

Yn ~ ok.

Eddie drove past the younger people of our group and he didn't see them but I did. Eddie then pulled up to a red light and the younger people came up to the driver side and knocked on the window. Eddie then rolled down the window

Dustin ~ wait isn't this yns car

Yn (from passenger side) ~ yes Dustin and I'm on the passenger side

Dustin ~ oh I thought since it's your car I thought you would be driving

Yn ~ no I didn't feel like driving

Mike ~ oh reasonable and what are you guys doing 

Eddie ~ going home se we can eat

Will ~ funn.

Max ~ yn. Me you, Robin, and El need to hang out just the 4 of us some time

Yn ~ ok I'll figure out when and then I'll text you about it

Max ~ ok also Billy is back in town

Yn ~ ok tell him I'm with Eddie and that I say hi and that I've missed him

Eddie (looking at yn) ~ love who's Billy

Yn ~ he's a old friend that I've known for awhile. He's like another Steve

Eddie ~ oh ok..

After Eddie rolled down the window the younger people and us talked then we left and went home. When we got home we went inside and ate and watched our show.

The Relationship Between Eddie Munson And Yn Where stories live. Discover now