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After we did it we cuddled for a little but and then Eddie got up to take a shower. While he was in the shower I put on my underwear and short shorts and a hoodie then I grabbed Eddie's guitar since mine was at home and I started playing it. When Eddie got out of the shower he heard me playing his guitar and came into his room and just looked at me while I was playing it. I didn't realized he was there until he moved and the floor creaked. As soon as I saw him I admittedly put his guitar up and apologized for play it. He then came over to the bed and said "why apologize yn." I then looked at him and said "I apologized because I touched your guitar without you knowing and I know that's the most important thing to do" Eddie then looked at me and goes "ok I see where your coming from but you can play it all the time if you wanted it's ok" I then looked at him and smiled. As Eddie was getting dressed we heard the door open then Eddie's uncle asked Eddie from the door "hey Eddie who's car is this." Eddie then replied with "it's my girlfriends why" then Eddie's uncle walked to Eddie's room and knocked on the door asking if he could come in which Eddie replied with yes. Eddie's uncle then opened the door and saw me in the hoodie and Eddie in his sweat pants and Eddie's uncle goes " I asked because it's a really nice car and I just wondered who's it was. Also sorry if I interrupted anything." Eddie and I then looked at him and told him that he didn't interrupt anything. After that Eddie's uncle then left the room and Eddie and I watched a movie on his bed. I don't know why but every time I'm in Eddie's bed or with Eddie in general I feel safer and I feel not alone. As we were watching the movie Eddie's uncle came in and told Eddie that he was leaving and that he cleaned up a little and took a beer. Then he left the room. I then looked at Eddie and asked him if we could smoke and he said of course baby. Then he got up and grabbed the stuff and came back to bed and he started rolling my blunt and handed it to me then he rolled his and lit then both. As we're were getting high my phone kept blowing up but I ignored it until Eddie grabbed it and because he got tired of it. He then looked at who was blowing me up and it was lucas. Eddie then said Sinclair really wants to talk to you. I then looked at Eddie and said text him and tell him I'm busy and I'll talk later. Eddie then said ok. After that we were still smoking and talking about random shit. When we got done smoking I took a shower and Eddie came into the bathroom while I was taking a shower and I asked him what he needed and he goes "I don't need anything yn I just wanna be close to you" that then made me smile. After I got out of the shower I put on one of Eddie's hell fire shirts and my shorts that i had on earlier and went to the couch and sat down beside Eddie. When I sat down Eddie laied down and put in head in my lap. I then asked him what was wrong and he goes "I know we haven't been together for long but I want to be with you forever because this weekend I've been the happiest I've ever been" I then smiled and started playing with his hair. As I was playing with his hair he stopped me and looked at me then he looked at my wrist the sighed. He then said "yn. babe why would you hurt yourself and how long has it been." I then looked at him confused because I didn't think he knew but then I realized he just found out and I said " I did it because I didn't wanna be around anymore so I basically wanted to give up and it's been a week since I last hurt myself." He then got up and looked me in the eyes and goes "I understand but please promise me you won't do it anymore." I then looked at him and said "I promise" then he kissed me and hugged me and laied back down.

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