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During the movie we both ended up falling asleep so we just slept there for the night. When it became morning I wasn't feeling good again but I didn't think anything of it. After we were awake enough Eddie drove home. While Eddie was driving home robbin texted me asking if I wanted to hangout.

Yn ~ hey Robin wants to know if I can hangout with her

Eddie ~ l you don't have to ask if you can hangout with someone

Yn ~ I was just gonna ask if we had any plans

Eddie ~ oh but no we don't and when your with Robin I'll probably hangout with my friends

Yn ~ ok

We then got home and I went and showed and got changed then hugged Eddie bye then left. After I left I called Robin.

(The conversation between yn and Robin on the phone)

Yn ~ hey I'm on the way

Robin ~ ok also Steve wants to know if it can be the three of us hanging together

Yn ~ yea but can I tell you something

Robin ~ yn you know you can tell me anything

Yn ~ yea I know but I'm late

Robin ~ what are you late for

Yn ~ think about it Robin late

Robin ~ have you taken a test

Yn ~ no because I haven't thought to

Robin ~ well have you and Eddie done it

Yn ~ yes all the time

Robin ~ 1. I didn't need to know and 2. Do you use protection


Robin ~ I can tell by your silence that your answer is no.

Yn~ maybe

Robin ~ yn I know you and Eddie. You guys didn't use protection

Yn ~ ima go to the gas station and buy some before I come over

Robin ~ ok

Steve ~ why are you guys talking about protection

Yn ~ ROBIN you could of told me Steve was in the room

Robin ~ I didn't think he was paying attention

Yn ~ I'm at the gas station right now do you need anything

Steve ~ no but I need caught up on everything.

Yn ~ Robin will catch you up bye *hangs up*

After I hung up with Robin I went into the gas station and bought like 5 tests then went to Robins. As soon as I got to Robins I went inside.

Steve ~ this is coming from a best friend point of view but you are old enough to use protection

Yn ~ Steve don't you think I know that

Steve ~ does Eddie know

Yn ~ no and I don't even know If I am. Also do you use protection

Steve ~ this isn't about me

Yn ~ what's the difference Steve

Steve ~ I don't know. But if you are how is your dad gonna react

Yn ~ idk because he died

Steve & Robin ~ wait what

Yn ~ I didn't tell you guys because I wasn't ready

Steve & Robin ~ oh. Is that why you haven't been at school for 2 weeks

The Relationship Between Eddie Munson And Yn Where stories live. Discover now