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After I got changed one thing led to another and we did it and it felt good.

What happened during the spicy time

It started off by making out on the couch and me grabbing his dick as we were making out. Then it led to me getting undressed and being pinned against the wall as we made out more then Eddie went to my neck and started kissing me there which turned me on. Then it led to us going to the bedroom and him laying me down on the bed and we started kissing again but this time he started at my lips and went down to my neck and kept going down leaving a hickey trail all the way from my neck to my lower stomach but as he was doing this he was fingering me I then told him I was about to cum and he told me not yet which led to me begging him to just fuck me. After all that he then got undressed himself and got on top of me and then we stared having sex. While we were having sex he was hitting all the right places which made me moan. Also while we were having sex he had my hands together above my head and holding them whis his hand. But every time I moaned he would kiss me so I wouldn't make noise. After we both came he got off me and laied next to me.

After we finished he laid next to me and we started talking again and he asked me how it was and I told him it was the best I've ever had which made him smile. I then laid my head on his chest and he started playing with my hair and then looked at me and said "yn I know you just got out of a relationship but I really like you and want to know if you'd like to try and be something other than friends" I then looked at him at said "yes Eddie I'd like that but can we keep it between us and not let anyone know please" and he then looked at me and said "yes yn" and then went back to playing with my hair. Him playing with my hair put me to sleep.

I can't believe I just did it with the girl that I've wanted to do it with my whole life and Now She is asleep on my chest and my girlfriend. But I feel bad for her because of what happened today. But I can promise her nothing will happen like that again. As I sat there playing with her hair I started to fall asleep.

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