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It's been a week since my dad died and I haven't been back to school but everyone has asked me what I'm gonna do with my house and I honestly don't know but Eddie has given me the idea of him moving in and we can live there which I like the idea but all of my dad's stuff would have to go.

Now Eddie and I are laying in bed facing each other and he kisses me on my nose after he kisses me he pulles me closer and goes "love, I asked if I could move in your house because eventually I wanna get married to you and have kids with you" I then said "I know and I like the idea but I would have to get rid of everything of my dad's and I don't have the strength to do that right now" Eddie then goes "I know but I'm gonna be here by your side the entire way" I then said "I know" then Eddie kissed my forehead.


before Eddie left he asked me agian if I wanted to go to his campaign but I said "Eddie I'll just get in the way" he then goes "no you won't" I then said "are you sure" he then goes "yes love I'm sure" I then said "idk how to play" he then goes "you don't have to play you can just watch" I then said "fine I'll go but I'm going in this ( comfy shorts and a over sizedt shirt) " he then goes "that's fine with me I'm just happy you agreed to go. " we then went to the van and Eddie drove to the school. While Eddie was driving I put my hair up in a messy bun and by the time we got there I realized that there was a basketball game going on also. When we parked Eddie asked if I was ok which I said yea but it's weird being at school since I haven't been here in almost 2 weeks. Eddie then goes I understand and remember Jason isn't here. I then said ok and we got out of the van. When we got to the dnd room we were the only ones there for like 10 minutes but during that 10 minutes Eddie and I had a quick make out session. When everyone got there Dustin asked why I hadn't I been at school for 2 weeks when I only got suspended for 1. I then looked at Eddie with the look of please help I don't wanna explain. Eddie then goes "alot has happened" then Dustin goes "like what" Eddie then goes "I'm not gonna explain it because it's personal so all I'm gonna say is yn wasn't mentally ok to be at school and it's up to her if she wants to come back now let's move on and do our campaign" while the campaign was going on I sat on Eddie's lap because there wasn't another seat. And while I was sitting on Eddie's lap he kept teasing me by rubbing up and down my thigh and stopping when it was his turn to roll and then he would start again but each time he got closerand closer to my pussy. I knew I couldn't do anything because his friends were there so I had to ignore it. But when everyone turned around and got into a group I gave him a look of what are you doing. He then looked back and gave me the look of you know what I'm doing and you know why. Then everyone turned around again and they started doing the campaign again. After the campaign finished and everyone left I looked at Eddie And said "why were you testing me when you know your friends were In the room" he then goes "I knew you knew you couldn't do anything about it and you know you liked it" I then said I did but now since you Wanna tease me you gotta finish it when you get home" he then looked at me and goes "but love we can do it here or in the van" I then said "no love I Wanna do it at home and make you wait because you wanted to tease me during your campaign" he then goes "ok" we then left the room and was headed put to the van when we got stopped some of the basketball players. They then said that what Jason did was right and that they tried to stop him but it didn't work. I then didn't reply but Eddie could tell I was getting anxious because I reached my hand behind my Back and he ended up holding it. By then I said that it wasn't right for anything he did then we got into the van.
Eddie then sped home. When we got home we got out of the van and as soon as we got inside Eddie pinned me against the wall and we started kissing then Eddie went to kissing my neck but this time he was also bitting it. Then Eddie pinned me against the walk and we started making out but this time he had my hands above my head with one hand and the other he was rubbing my thigh and every few minutes he would restart and each time he would restart he kept getting closer and closer to my pussy like he was doing during the campaign but this time he didn't stop when he reached it. He then started fingering me through my shorts. Then Eddie took me to the bed room andtook off my clothes then he laied me on the bed and we started kissing again but this time he was actually fingering me but he didn't take off his rings so I jumped when he started fingering me again. When I jumped he stopped and said "love are you ok" I then said yea. He then moved on from kissing me on the lips to kissing down my body. But while he was kissing my body he would randomly bite me also. While he was doing that he was still fingering me which made me moan and then he stopped fingering me and kissing my body because he then started to eat me out. After that I was about ready to cum but he said "love you can't cum yet" then I stared begging him to let me cum but he shook his head no. Then he got up and stripped himself and turned on music so no body would hear us then he tied my hands up above my head and got on top of me and stuck his dick in me. We then started have sex. I then asked Eddie for him to go harder and he looked at me with the look of are you sure. I then shook my head yes and he went harder making me moan. Every time I would moan he would kiss me so I would moan against his lips. Then Eddie went faster and he started to moan also but his moans were louder than mine. And we kept going until we were both very close to Cumming then Eddie went deeper inside of me moaning again and he came and then I came. But as soon as I did Eddie's uncle came in and saw us. As soon as Eddie's uncle saw us Eddie got off of me and turned off the music from his remote then looked at his uncle and his uncle said "I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see what I just saw" Eddie then untied my hands and his uncle was still standing there. Mr munson then said "I am very sorry I interrupted you to be honest I didn't think you guys would be doing anything because of the music" then Mr munson left. After Mr munson left completely Eddie ran a bath for me and we took a bath together.

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