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After Eddie told his friends Jason came back over and saw me sitting next to Mike and Eddie and said "look at yn becoming one of the freaks" I then turned around and said "Jason go away" which he didn't do and instead he said "just sitting with the freaks made you into one but that's not my problem anymore because I'm with someone way better" After he said that I looked at Eddie then at the table. I then got face to face with Jason and said " Jason I know the reason you were really with me and that was because of my money and you may be with someone better than me but I already told her that you abuse every girl your with and you use them just to pleasure yourself and that you dont actually love them " I said that loud enough that the entire Cafeteria got quite I then punched him in the nose making it bleed. He then looked at me and goes "you never stood up to me before so why are you doing it now" he then left. After the thing with Jason happened I was called into the principles office and had to explain everything to hopper and the principle. Explaining to the principal was ok with me but Explaining to hopper also made it worse because he's like my dad. I then explained to them both the events that led to me punching Jason in the nose and by the end of my explanation hopper was on my side but the principle wasn't so he suspended me for a week. I then left his office and went back to lunch and looked at the table and grabbed my things and left without saying anything. As soon as I got outside hopper was there and asked if I needed a ride home. I then shook my head yea and got in his truck. As soon as I got in the truck hopper said "I know I'm like a father figure to you but I'm not gonna tell your dad what happened" I then looked at him and said ok. Hopper then said "you did the right thing by punching Jason because he wouldn't listen when you said to leave you alone" he then said "the principle is wrong for suspending you but you have to obey by the rules ok" I then said ok. After that I was home. When we got into the driveway I thanked hopper for the ride and went inside.

after I told my friends that yn and I were dating Jason came over and started his shit again but before I had a chance to do or say anything yn took it into her own hands and stood up to him and punched him. When yn punched him I thought it was so hot but Jason deserved it because he pushed and pushed until she stood up to him and I could tell that no one ever did that to him before which made him confused. Bur after yn punched him the principle called yn into his office and after 20 minutes yn came out and grabbed her stuff then went outside without saying anything which made us all worry. I then asked Mike what he thinks happened and Mike goes "idk man she seemed angry" I then texted her asking what happened but she didn't answer.


After I got inside I threw my stuff in the chair and saw I had a text from Eddie. The text was him asking what happened and if I'm ok or not. I then replied with "I got suspended because the school doesn't believe me but hopper does so I'm not in trouble with him and I feel better after punching Jason but I still feel like shit" Eddie then replied with "lunch is almost over so where are you" I then replied with "I'm at my house but if you wanna stay at school and not come get me I'd be fine with it because I have to be ok at this hose alone because of me being suspended" Eddie then replies with "ill come get you and you can stay at my house if you want so you don't have to stay at yours" I then said ok. After that I went upstairs and grabbed my cart {weed pen} because my weed was at Eddie's then I took 3 hits off of it and then turned on music and started sketching something until I heard the front door open. I then heard someone come up the stairs. Eddie then came into my room and said that he was here. I then stopped my music Eddie then asked "is that a cart next to you" I then shook my head yea and asked him if he wanted to hit it. He then grabbed it and took 2 hits then sat down next to me and said "I know how to make you feel better" I then looked at him and asked if he was talking about what I thought he was. he then whispered in my ear "when you punched Jason it was really hot btw and if your thinking i was talking about sex you were right" I then said "we can do it here since it's the middle of the day and my dad isn't here" Eddie then took my sketch book and sat it on the ground then he pushed me down and got on top of me and we started making out. As we were making out Eddie took off our shirts then he kissed my neck and grabbing my boobs. Then Eddie asked if I was ready for him which I said I was. Then Eddie took off his pants and then mine he then got back on top of me and stuck his dick inside me and we started having sex as we were having sex Eddie was still kissing my neck and I kissed his and grabbed on to his back. When we were about to cum Eddie forgot to pull out and ended up cuming inside me again. Then Eddie looked me in the eyes and said "do you still feel like shit or did this make you better" I then said "ill admit I am in a better mood now but I am still kinda mad that I'm suspended" then Eddie got off of me and said "I understand being mad at that part but overall do you feel better now" I then told him yes I did feel better and I asked of we could go to his place now and he said yea.

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