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When we woke up it was already 1am and we were both starving. For some reason Eddie wanted pancakes so we both got dressed (Eddie put on his sweat pants and underwear. I put on a sports bra and sweat pants) then Eddie and I went into the kitchen and we started making homemade pancakes together. After we made the pancakes we ate them. After we ate we weren't tired so we watched a show called cold cases. The show is about unsolved murders. As we were watching it Eddie and I were laying on the couch next to each other when Eddie's uncle came in. He then apologized for intruding but he needed something. He then asked why we were still up and Eddie looked at him and said "After lunch we came back here and slept so were not tired" Mr munson then looked at us and said "ok" Eddie then had to go pee so he went to the bathroom leaving me and Mr munson alone. As soon as Eddie left Mr munson looked at me and goes "I know we haven't really met but I can tell your really kind and you probably don't judge My nephew like other people do and he's lucky to have someone like you in his life. " I then said "thanks. And as of the judging thing I wouldn't ever do that because people judge him by his looks and how he dresses but they don't take the time to get to know him so that's why they judge him." Mr munson then goes "thank you for getting to know him and not just judging him like other people do" After he said that Eddie then came back and asked what we talked about and Mr munson said "oh nothing" then Mr munson got up to find what he needed and then he told us goodbye and left. After Eddie's uncle left Eddie laied down next to me again and he then looked at me and said "sweetheart what did you and my uncle talk about" I then told him what we talked about and then Eddie goes "my uncle is always worried about the people judging me that's why he asked you that" I then said that I understood and we went back to watching the show.


When our alarm went off we realized we didn't go back to sleep so we got up and took showers and got ready for school.

Yn is wearing this and Eddie is wearing his Jean jacket with his hell fire shirt

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Yn is wearing this and Eddie is wearing his Jean jacket with his hell fire shirt

After we both got ready I asked Eddie if he wanted to tell the group today before school. He then looked at me and said "I only Wanna tell them if you do" I then said "I feel like if we tell them they wouldn't interrupt us any more" Eddie then Said "I think telling them would be a good idea" then we walked out of his trailer and got into the van and we drove to the woods. But on the way to the woods I asked Eddie to stop at the gas station and he did. When we pulled up to the gas station I got out and went inside and bought us each a monster and him a chocolate milk then came back outside and gave him his drinks and we drove to the woods. When we got to the woods I texted the group chat asking everyone to meet me at the spot because I needed to tell them something. After 10 minutes everyone was there and they were confused why my car wasn't there but I then got out of Eddie's van with Eddie and then I told everyone what happened with Jason and I then Steve asked why Eddie was here also and I then looked at Eddie and he looked back at me and said "you tell them" and Dustin goes "tell us what" then Mike goes "oh I know what they wanna tell us because I walked in on them" then everyone looked at Mikethen back at us and they were confused. Then there was a wave of silence bur Eddie broke the silence by kissing me infont of everyone then said "yn and I are together" Dustin then said "Mike what did you mean by you walked in on them" Eddie then looked at Mike waiting for Mike to say something. Mike then said "I went to Eddie's house and walked in because he answered and yn was there on the couch just in her bra and underwear" then Steve said "how come Eddie and Mike has seen yn basically naked but I haven't I've even know her longer than they have" then Robin punched Steve for me. After we told everyone we headed to school. At school Steve kept texting me asking if I'm dating Eddie to mess with him or am I dating Eddie to make Jason mad. I then told him that I'm not dating Eddie to mess with him or Jason I'm dating Eddie because I want to. When it became lunch time I left class to go to the Cafeteria and I sat my stuff at Eddie's table and sat down because I didn't Wanna eat and I was the first one at the table so Jason saw that as a opportunity to come and bug me but I wasn't having it so I looked dead at him and told him to leave me alone and then I punched him because he wouldn't. As Jason was leaving I saw Eddie coming up to the table and he asked "why was Jason over here" I then told him what happened and he then sat down next to me and said "if he doesn't stop messing with you then he will have to deal with me" then the rest of the people that sit at our table got there and sat down. While we were at lunch Eddie's hand was on my thigh and his friends were confused because he hasn't told them yet then one of his friends asked if they can postpone the campaign tonight and Eddie stood up on the table and did the entire scene where hes on the table. And then got down and sat next to me again and placed him hand on my thigh again and then looked at his friends and then said "if your confused yes I'm taken by yn and that's all you need to know"

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