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I woke up first and had to wake Eddie up but he pulled me in tighter and wouldn't let me leave

Yn ~ babe you gotta wake up

Eddie ~ no I don't

Yn ~ babe uts graduation day you don't wanna miss it don't you

Eddie ~ I don't but 5 more minutes

Yn ~ no it's already noon and we have to get ready, eat, and leave all before one so get up

Eddie ~ ok ok I'll get up

After I finally got him up I got ready first. And he got ready second. Eddie asked me to put on his eye liner which I did. I then did my hair and we left.

(Yn is wearing black jeans with a lace top and Eddie is wearing black jeans also and his hell fire shirt)

We then arrived at school and Eddie kissed my stomach and went and sat in his seat which was closer to the middle and I went and say in my seat which was closer to the beginning. It was then my turn to go up. I walked across stage to the  principle and saw hopper, Joyce and the little people waving. I then waved back and the principle said "idk if you desire this or not but here you go" After he said that I then snached it from him and went back to sitting down. Robin then looked at me because I was right next to her.

Robin ~ we did it

Yn ~ I know

Robin ~ how does it feel to be a graduate and pregnant

Yn ~ It feels great

Robin ~ how did Eddie react

Yn ~ he was happy

It was then Eddie's turn and he did walk across stage but the entire time he was flipping of everything and every one and grabbed his diploma and said "its my year baby" then went back and sat down. But then Jason walked across stage. I then shrunk in my chair. After everyone walked across and had their diplomas we threw our hats up and everyone left. But I couldn't find Eddie so I waited until alot of people left but I still couldn't find him. My arm then got grabbed and I thought it was Eddie but it was Jason. He then punched me hard enough to knock me out but I could feel him still Hitting me and he aslo stabbed me in the stomach then I heard a voice.


Jason ~ giving her what she deserves


after that I was still passed out but I could hear and feel everything. Jason then ran off and Steve picked me up and asked if I was ok which I didn't respond. I then felt him starting to run.

Steve ~ stay with me yn. I'm getting Eddie and hopper

He then ran to the parking lot screaming for Eddie and hopper

Eddie ~ is that yn

Steve ~ yes Jason got to her

Hopper ~ what do you mean Jason got to her

Steve ~ I saw him Hitting her and she has been stabbed and lost alot of blood

Eddie ~ I'll take her to the hospital

Steve ~ I'm coming with

Eddie ~ ok just sit in the back with her and keep pressure on the wound

Steve ~ do you know shes pregnant

Eddie ~ yea she told me after she told you and Robin that's why I'm Slightly paranoid

The Relationship Between Eddie Munson And Yn Where stories live. Discover now