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After we got done eating it was like 3 in the morning and we were both really tired so we just slept in the van in the empty parking lot usually I wouldn't feel safe sleeping in a random ass parking lot but I was with Eddie and I knew he would protect me if anything bad happened but thankfully nothing did happen.


When I woke up Eddie was still asleep so I decided to check my phone and I had missed calls from my dad and Jason. I wanted to know what they wanted so I grabbed my hoodie and phone and went outside to see what they wanted because I didn't wanna wake Eddie. When I got outside I called my dad first and asked him what he wanted. He wanted more money for the bar and gambling which I told him to go to hell which he didn't like. And then he asked me why I broke it off with Jason and I told him "he cheated on me dad. And he abused me all the fucking time so that's why I left him because I couldn't do it anymore" and then he just goes "stop making excuses yn he didn't do any of that" After he said that I hung up. And then called Jason to find out what he wanted. When I called him he started admittedly apologizing about what he did but I told him again that we were done and why would I be with someone who abused me mentally and physically and cheated on me. As soon as I said abused me I heard Eddie was awake and then I told Jason to leave me alone and that I'm blocking him. After I hung up I had tears in my eyes but just got back in the van. As soon as I got in the van Eddie asked what was wrong and I told him about the call with my dad and Jason and then Eddie pulled me down next to him and hugged me and kept making sure I was ok. Then I asked Eddie if I could go back to my place and grab somethings and go back to his house. As soon as I asked that he goes yea but I have a question yn. I then asked him what his question was. He then replied with "why do you like staying at my house when you have yours all to yourself. I mean I'm not complaining I'm just asking" I then replied with "I don't like to be in my house because I have to live with my abuser and I can't be home alone because I'll end up doing horrible things to myself. So that's why I don't wanna be home" he then looked at me and goes "I was just asking princess because your house is really nice and I live in a trailer so I was just wondering and I'm sorry I brought it up" I then told him that he deserved to know and it was ok. Then he started driving but as He was driving I was texting Robin because she thought I went missing so I ended up telling her everything again and then she randomly told me that Steve likes me which was weird to me because I grew up with him and Robin and I saw them as family because my family sucks. As soon as Robin told me that Steve likes me I admittedly texted him asking if it was true which it was but then I told him that I only see him as a brother than anything he then replied with I know and that's why I didn't tell you. Then we just Decided to drop it and ignore it. As I was texting them Eddie kept looking over at me and kept asking if I was ok which I was and I could tell he just wanted to be there for me which I appreciated. When we got to my house I asked Eddie to come in with me which he did and I went upstairs to grab somethings. I grabbed my backpackand put some clothes, 2 hoodies, my phone charger, my vape, my skating shoes, and my chains and jewelry in it as well. Then I grabbed my bored and went back downstairs where Eddie was and told him I was ready. Then we headed out of the house and I looked the door. Then we headed back to the van and I put everything in the back then got in the van. Eddie then got into the van and he started driving. I asked if I could play music which Eddie was ok with. I then started playing music and Eddie and I started jamming out because we both lived then song. Then when we got to Eddie's trailer I put my bored in my car and then brought my bag inside and took it to Eddie's room. After I sat my bag down I went into the living room and sat on Eddie's lap facing him and he said "yn sweetheart what do you want" I then kissed him he then goes "oh I know what you want" and we started making out. As we were making out I took off his shirt and he took off mine and I kept teasing him by moving around which was making him annoyed but annoyed in a playful way. As we were about to move on from making out we heard a knock which I admittedly jumped off of him so he can get it. When he opened the door it was Dustin and Mike. They asked him why he was shirtless and only in sweat pants. Eddie then replied with because it's my house and I can be in whatever I want to be in. Then they asked why my car was there and he goes "she asked if she can park it here while she was out skating and I let her. Then Dustin and Mike goes I didn't think she knew you but can we come in.and Eddie then goes I've only talked to her a few times and no you can't come in because I'm about to leave. They then left. Eddie made sure that they left before coming back to me. When he knew we were in the clear he came up behind me and pinned me against the walk and started kissing me again and then he went to kissing my neck as he was taking off my pants and underwear. He then lifted me up to the ceiling and put my legs on his shoulders and started eating me out as he was eating me out he kept grabbing my thighs and he was hitting all the right spots also. When he got done early me out he brought me down and took off his pants and underwear and motioned me to give him head which as soon as he motioned me to give him head I got on my knees and started giving him head. I gave him head until he was about to cum. When he was about to cum he picked me up and put me on the bed and then slid his dick into me which made him and I both moan. He then grabbed my hands and handcuffed them the the bed and started having sex with me. As we were having sex he kept hitting all the right spots like he always does but this time he also was choaking me. As soon as he was gonna cum he went deeper inside of me to the point I felt him in my stomach and he then cummed inside of me. As he cummed he moaned. After he came he got off of me and un handcuffed me and then laid next to me. As he laid next to me he asked how was that and did I give you what you wanted. I then replied with that was really good and yes babe yes you gave me what I whated.

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