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The rest of Sunday we did nothing except I cooked us dinner and we watched another movie.

I tried to get up when my alarm went off but Eddie didn't want me to move. But then I woke him up because we had to go to school. I then asked him if I could use his shower which he replied with yea. As I was getting in the shower I heard Eddie come into the bathroom and he asked if we can shower together I then said "yea baby but I'm warning you I shower in really hot water." Eddie then Said "that's fine with me because I also shower in hot water" then he got into the shower with me. As we were showering I could tell there was something wrong with him so I asked him and he goes "it's just really early and I don't wanna go to school I'd rather stay home and be with you all day" I then looked at him and said " I know baby but remember we're really close to graduation and we need to be at school but we can leave after lunch is that ok" he then looked at me and goes "yea" we then finished our shower and got dressed. As we were leaving Eddie and I kissed and got into our cars and drove separately because I had to pick up Robin and we don't want anyone to know about us yet. I then drove to Robins house to get her but she wasn't there. I then drove to school. But as soon as I got to school Jason was waiting for me at my parking spot but Mike and Dustin headed over as soon as I got there and they made him leave. I then got out of my car and thanked them. Then they asked why my car was at Eddie's over the weekend and I told then that I parked it there while I was skating and then they said "oh. But yn we need to tell you something" I then asked them what they needed to tell me and they said " we asked why your car was there because Eddie likes you and we thought he was telling you his feelings." I then looked at them and said "there's no way Eddie munson likes me" then we walked into school. The first 4 periods went by realy slow but I couldn't stop thinking about Eddie and I but as soon as the lunch bell rang I went to the lunch room and grabbed food and went out to my car so I can avoid everyone. While I was eating I was playing music so I wouldn't be eating in silence. Then my favorite song came on {master of puppets by Metallica} and I started jamming out but got a text from Mike in the group chat (people in the group chat :Mike, Dustin, max, El, will, lucas, Erica, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Jonathan) I then replied with that I'm in my car and I Wanna be alone. Then lucas texted back saying "Jason is crying because he claims he messed up and wants you back what should I tell him" I then called lucas and said give the phone to Jason. I then told Jason to get over it and to leave me alone and to stop talking to me then I hung up. As soon as I hung up Eddie texted me asking where I was. I then told him I was out in my car but I wanted to be alone. He then texted me and asked what did he do. I then texted him saying that "he did nothing wrong that I just wanted to be away from Jason and I just wanted to be alone but if he wanted to come out and sit with me he could." I then looked up and saw him coming out the doors and running over to my car. I then rolled my window down and he leaned in and kissed me I then looked at him and said "babe your gonna get us caught" he then looked at me and said "but I missed you and I got worried about you" I then said "its ok to worry and miss me but I don't want people finding put about us yet" he then looked at me and ran over to my passenger side and got in. We then talked for the rest of lunch but he looked at my phone and saw what song was paused and he then looked at me and goes "yn this is my favorite song" and I looked at him and said no it's my favorite he then looked at me and opened my phone and replied it and we both were jamming out to it. After the song finished lunch was over so Eddie left my car and went to his van and we both left. I went back to my house to grab my guitar and my weed so I didn't use all of Eddie's then I went to Eddie's. When I got there I went inside because Eddie was already there and he asked where I went because he thought we were gonna head straight here. I then told him that I went home and grabbed my guitar and my weed so I didn't use all of his. He then said ok and pulled me onto the couch next to him and he put on music then we started kissing. While we were kissing someone started knocking on the door so Eddie and I got up to answer the door but Eddie got there before I did so I just stood behind it. The person that was at the door was Chrissy. She asked to come in which Eddie looked at me and looked at her then said yea. She then came inside and saw me. She then said that she followed me here because she wanted to apologize about her and Jason. I then looked at her and told her "it's not your fault he cheated on me" she then goes ok but is it ok if I date him I then looked at her and said " I honestly don't care but 2 things. One he is mentally and physically abusive. Two don't bring the drama to me because I don't Wana be involved in it" she then looked at me and goes ok. She then asked if I moved on from him or not since I was over here at Eddie's. And I told her that "Eddie and I are just friends and that I'm over here because he's fixing my guitar. She then said ok and left. After she left Eddie and I went back to kissing and he hand his hand on my thigh this thim and he kept rubbing it and grabbing it.

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