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When I got to Eddie's I texted him saying I made it to his house. I then found the key and went inside. When I went inside I went to Eddie's room and started crying again. I then decided to take a shower and thought it would make me feel somewhat better. As I was showering I was playing music so I wouldn't have to shower in silence and I knew doing that would only make things worse. After my shower I threw on a pair of Eddie's sweats and a crop top I then put my hair up in a messy bun and laid down on Eddie's bed. After 30 minutes of just laying on Eddie's bed I knew Eddie wouldn't be home for awhile so I decided to clean my car out. I knew keeping my mind busy would distract me from thinking about what had happened to me and I knew if I thought about it I would end up doing horrible things to myself. After I cleaned my car out it was still gonna be awhile for Eddie to get home because he has the dnd campaign to go to after school. I then decided to go for a drive I didn't know where I was going I just wanted to drive. I then texted Eddie saying that I might not be home when he gets home because I'm going for a drive. He then replied with "ok baby be safe." I then got in my car and turned my music all the way up and started driving. I found myself just driving around town but I ended up going to my house and grabbing everything of Jason's and dropping it off at his house then I went back to Eddie's. When I got back to Eddie's, Eddie was pulling up as soon as I did. Eddie then asked if I wanted to go to his campaign because he didn't want me to be alone. I then shook my head no and then looked down. He then grabbed his phone and texted someone. I then felt him hug me tightly. I then heard him say "I'm not going to the campaign tonight because I postponed it and if they get mad they can deal with it. You need me more" I then said "Eddie... you didn't have to" as he was still hugging me it started to rain. He then said "love it's raining can we go inside" I then said "the rain feels good tho" he then lifted my head and said "yn, love if you stay out in the rain you might get sick" I then looked at him and said "even tho I'm not in the best of moods right now would you dance in the rain with me" he then said "sweetheart you know I can't dance" I then looked at him and said "if you won't dance in the rain with me I'll dance by myself" then I stared dancing. Eddie then joined me by doing his cheer immersion. After about 10 minutes max came out and asked us what we were doing. Eddie then replied with "can't you see were dancing" she then said "I can see that but it's raining" and Eddie then said "so" she then looked at me and said "can I join" Eddie then Said "if you want" then she came over and we started dancing. After about 15 minutes max left and we went inside. Eddie then asked if I felt any better and I said "since your here I do feel better and safer" Eddie then pulled his hair over his face so I wouldn't see him smiling. He then asked if we could go shower since we were both freezing. I the said yea. After the shower I put on my pajama pants and another crop top and Eddie put on his pajama pants and decided to be shirtless. He then asked if I wanted to watch a movie which I agreed too. As we were watching the movie I was laying on Eddie's lap and he was playing with my hair as I was playing with his rings. He then looked down at me and said "what Jason did wasn't right but now he can't hurt you anymore and I want you to know that I'll never hurt you on purpose and I want you to know that I love you yn"

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