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Yns outfit

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Yns outfit

Eddie's outfit

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Eddie's outfit

⚠️ it gets spicy ⚠️
As soon as I got there I knocked on the door and I heard yn say come in but don't come upstairs. As soon as I opened the door I expected her dad to be there but he wasn't. And then I heard you can come up now. I said ok. And as I was heading up the stairs I tripped over my foot and I heard yn get worried and she asked if I was ok so I said yea I was. But the closer I got to her room the more I smelt weed but it didn't bother me because I do it to but I didn't think she did it. And as soon as I got to her room it had records on the walls and her guitar and her bordes then I saw her she was in a simple outfit but it made her look so good. After I complimented her I hugged her and then asked her if we could get going.
She nodded her head yea. As we were walking out of the house she grabbed a hoodie and we left. When we got to the van I opened the door for her and she got in then I went around to the other side and got in.

After he looked around my room we got going. As we were walking out of the house I grabbed a hoodie because I get cold easily. When we got to the van he opened the door for me and I got in. after he got in the van he asked me if I smoked before he got there and i told him yea and he then looked at me and goes "can we smoke later" and i said yea then he started driving to the date place and he had his hand on my thigh the entire time we were driving and at every red light we made out. The place we were going to was out of town so it took a hour to get to. When we finally got to the place Eddie parked and got out and opened my door so I could get out. When we were walking up to the building Eddie was holding my hand. When we got to the doors Eddie opened them and we went inside. The place we went to was really nice and I felt under dressed. When we got to our table we sat down and ordered food but I couldn't stop thinking about what Eddie and I did last night. Eddie then asked what was wrong so I told him I couldn't stop thinking about what we did last night and how I wanted to do it again. He then told me to scoot closer to him which I did. And as soon as I did he put his hand on my thigh and started grabbing it. After our food got there Eddie kept grabbing my thigh so I decided to grad his dick because if hes gonna tease me Im gonna tease him which made him look and me and whisper in my ear "yn I know you want it but we're in public" which I responded with "but Eddie I want it really bad" After I said that he asked for our food to go and we left. As soon as we got to the van he looked at me and asked how bad I wanted him and I said badly which made him open the van door realy fast and he made me get in the van and then he jumped In and started driving but as He was driving I was still grabbing his dick which made him pull into a empty parking lot. After he pulled into the empty parking lot we went to the back of the van and started making out as we stripped each other. After we were both naked he pinned me down and started kissing my body all over again which made me want him even more. As he was kissing my body I felt him fingering me again but this time with 3 fingers and it got to the point I was beginning him to let me cum but he wouldn't let me uet. But then it got impossible for me to sit sill and my legs were shaking so then Eddie got on top of me again and stuck his dick inside of me and we started having sex just like we did the night before but this time he had his hand around my neck slightly choaking me and his other hand was holding my hands above my head so I couldn't move them. When he was about to cum he went deeper to the point I could feel him in my stomach and then came inside me. After he came he asked if I wanted a round 2 which I replied I honestly do but I probably wouldn't be able to handle it and then he looked at me and goes I'm ok with that yn. And then he got off me and laid next to me and asked how it was and I told him that it was better than the first time. But as soon as I said that there was a knock on the van door which scared us both and we hurried up and got dressed and he answered the door to find it was hopper asking if we were ok which we replied yes and then hopper asked what we were doing out here and we told him that we went on a date out of town but we got to tired to drive the rest of the way so we pulled over and then hopper nodded and left. After hopper left Eddie and I went back to the back of the van and Eddie asked if I wanted to smoke which I responded with is that even a question of course I wanna smoke baby. Then we started talking as Eddie was rolling the blunts out and as soon as he rolled them we were already smoking. After we finished smoking we were hungry again so we ate the food from the restaurant

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