The Griddys Fight

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AN: just as a note I'll put up any y/n notes up here for this chapter.

Y/f/d = your favorite drink

F/d = favorite doughnut

# = the attackers in their order

S=stranger because idk his name

Five pulls up the car on the other side of the street across from someplace called Griddys Doughnuts. The bright sign imitating someone dunking a doughnut in a cup. We both rush inside craving for something. He takes a seat at the bar stools, the one furthest to the corner, and I sit down on his right. He starts to ring the bell as there was no employee in sight. I hear the door open and see another man come in. The man sits downs and takes a long breath and I can see five looking at him weirdly. I don't blame him.

An older lady with a pink uniform comes out looking exhausted she takes a deep breath. I read the name sewn onto her uniform. Agnes, pretty name.

A: "sorry the sink was clogged."

S: "no worries."

A: "so what will it be?"

S: "just a chocolate eclair."

A: "can I get the kid and his little girlfriend a glass of milk or something?"

I see five look confused and his cheeks turn a light pink as he looks between me and the older man.

F: "the kid will have coffee, black."

Y: "and the kids girlfriend will have (y/f/d) and (f/d)"

Five smacks my arm looking annoyed as hell. I look at him wide eyed and smack him back. Agnes and the man watch us.

A: "uh, cute..couple?"

The stranger shrugged. Agnes walked off and started to get the doughnuts first.

F: "don't remember this place being such a shit hole. I used to come here as a kid. Used to sneak out with my brothers and sisters and eat doughnuts till we puked. Simpler times, huh?"

S: "uh yeah, sure."

Y: "awe what a cute little detail on your childhood." I laughed and five almost pushed me out of the stool. I grabbed onto his collar which launched him forward but he caught himself and me using the counter top. After readjusting ourselves Agnes came back with our food and drinks.

I split my doughnut in half and gave half to five. He reluctantly took it. The man took out his wallet and said to Agnes handing her some cash "I got theirs". Five and I thanked him and he got up to leave but five stopped him.

F: "you must know your way around the city?"

S: "I hope so, I've been driving it for 20 year's."

F: "good, I need an address."

He asked for some random address of a company that makes prosthetics. The man wrote it down and left. Me and five sat there alone as no one else was around. Agnes went to the back for change but it was taking her a long time. We finished our drinks and the doughnut halves. The door opened again, I went to turn but five placed his hand on my thigh and side eyed me. He gave me a concerned and upset look so I stayed looking forward.

F: "hm, that was fast."

Y: "what's going on five?"

F: "might wanna prepare yourself."

Y: "for what?"

F: "thought I would have more time before they found me."

#1: "ok, so let's all be professional about this, yeah? On your feet and come with us. They want to talk."

F: "we've got nothing to say."

#1: "it doesn't have to go this way. You think I want to shoot two kids? go home with that on my conscience?"

F: "well I wouldn't worry about won't be going home." he gripped the butter knife in his hand. I took mine as well.

He blinked behind #1 and stabbed his neck. I grabbed mine and lunged to the one standing behind #1 doing the same. Five redirected the shots from #1 to another guy taking down two at once. I got up a brushed myself off still happy to know I remembered my agility and combat training. I picked up the gun and tried to make my way over to five hiding behind the tables. Five was gone and appeared over the display and shouted "Hey assholes!" grabbing the four guys attention.

All four started to shoot at where he was but I got to them first and shot them all. Five knocked on the glass door from the outside to get #5's attention. #5 shot the door breaking the glass as five blinked out again. I popped up from the table jumping on one and kicking #6 in the head. He fell over and I shot his back 7 times. Five took a pencil and stabbed #5 in the side of his neck. I dropped the gun as five blinked over to me and grabbed me. He found a broom and broke it in half giving me one side and him taking the other. We both lunged at the two remaining guys and stabbed them with the broken broom halves.

We each dropped them and he took my arm taking me over to the counter. He took a knife from one of the corpses and held out his arm. I couldn't watch it but I knew he was going to take out our trackers. When he took out his he rolled his sleeve back down and gently grabbed my arm. I yelped at the contact and started to feel uneasy. He took out my tracker and I held my arm in pain. We walked out to the car and took off for the night.

F: "sorry about that."

Y: "it's no problem, you did what I would've been to chicken shit to do."

F: "well, it's whatever, we are safe for now."

I look down at the cut, it was hard not too. I wince in pain and five pulls over. We stop at some sort of apartment building. He grabbed my hand and special jumps us to the apartment.

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