A Job That Takes Time

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Vanya woke me up in a bit of a hurry and I got dressed again in my normal clothes. I hated seeing myself in the uniform that was similar to fives. I couldn't put on my tie so I just held onto it. Vanya led me into the car with I'm assuming carl. We had to stop by his buddies place and drop him off first. It took a while but we finally left. I curled into a ball in the back seat waiting quietly.

At one point we turned a corner to see another car. Vanya looked weird and that's when I saw fives face. I hated seeing his face right now. Vanya stopped the car and five did the same. She got out and came over to my side. Vanya motioned me to stay behind her.

V: "you got a lot of nerve for pulling something like that on y/n!"

F: "forget about her, I came here looking for you. We're going back to 2019."

V: "what are you talking about?"

F: "look I don't have time to explain but I found a way home. We have 30 minutes to leave. Ditch her and let's go."

V: "no! What about my friends I can't just leave them here. And I'm not leaving without y/n."

F: "Vanya you don't have a choice I'm this, doomsday will happen so you need to come with me."

V: "I'm bringing them with me!"

F: "they belong in this timeline! And she doesn't belong in any timeline so she might as well just stay in this one."

V: "says who?! Sissy deserves a life where she doesn't have to pretend to be someone she's not! And Harlan? There's a name for what he has. We can get him the help he needs. Y/n deserves to be around people who will love her and care for her!"

F: "Vanya.."

V: "look a mom, her eight year old, and a teenager are not gonna screw up the timeline five! They're insignificant."

F: "no one is insignificant. I'm sorry alright but we can't take that risk. They have to stay. Come on."

V: "why do you get to decide? You're the reason we're stuck here in the first place. Y/n was there before and she didn't screw up anything so why at the very least can she not come?"

F: "if I did nothing we weird all be dead right now, thanks to you!"

V: "they're coming with me."

F: "Vanya do not test me right now." he came closer and I backed up behind Vanya.

V: "that's funny. Cause I was just about to say the same thing." Vanya starts to create this high pitched tone and five activities his power as well.

V: "fine."

F: "fine what?"

V: "I'll come. But I'm taking y/n with me, and I'm going to say goodbye to sissy and Harlan."

F: "we don't have time for this."

V: "it's either that or I'm not going. Take y/n with you since she's here."

Y: "Vanya no please.."

V: "it will be fine, I'll be back."

Y: "you better be."

I walked over to fives car.

F: "the alley. Don't be late."

I got into the back of fives car. Behind the passengers seat so I didn't have to talk or look at him. We drove for so long in silence. At some points I felt him staring at me but I refused to look at him. It hurt still.

We finally got to the alleyway to meet Klaus and Luther but no one else. I waited near the back entrance of Elliott's place and just listened to what these idiots were talking about.

Soon the briefcase started ticking and five threw it at which it went through the portal. He started to yell about how his siblings are idiots and couldn't meet a simple deadline. He stormed off inside. Luther noticed I didn't follow him in and saw I looked upset. He held out his hand to help me up and reluctantly I took it. We both went inside and five was gone.

L: "why didn't you follow five like you usually do?"

Y: "you really want to know?"

L: "well..yeah."

Y: "your dumbshit of a brother never cared about me and used me. Now that I can't help him anymore he wants to leave me in this timeline."

L: "Jesus five..."

Y: "can I yell you something Luther...?"

L: "you can tell me anything.."

Y: "I'm sorry I was so rude to you. I love you guys and I hate saying this but I still love five with all my heart." I sat down on the couch and put my knees to my chest and cried. I felt Luther sit down next to me and he carefully put his arm around me. I wiped my tears off my few and chuckled a bit.

Y: "God, I can't believe I'm being comforted by one of the Hargreeves children who's tried to kill me."

L: "sorry about that- wait who else has tried to kill you??"

Y: "Allison and I have a suspicion diego is plotting to."

L: "well, let's get you to bed"

Y: "Luther, I'm not a kid."

L: "well your bodily functions are working like one."

Y: "well still!"

He got up and found some spare blankets making me a makeshift mattress. It got dark pretty fast but Luther and I stayed up talking.

Y: "God is it sad that you're my favorite Hargreeves siblings right now?"

L: "why would that be sad?"

Y: "because you literally tried to kill me, made it very painfully clear I'm not apart of this family, and think I'm weird."

L: "good point good point. I feel honored to be above five as of right now."

Y: "yeah well me and your asshole of a brother aren't on speaking terms right now because he's being a pretentious little fucker."

L: "what did he say this time?"

Y: "more like what I instigated him to say. I really hope he didn't mean it because now I'm friends with you and Vanya. So there's no way he's gonna stay away from me now.."

L: "sounds like him. When we were kids we used to mess with him all the time and he would always blow up on us..." he trailed off into a bunch of stories where him and his siblings would mess with five and how careful they were with it as to not ruin anything. It got late so me and luther went to bed.

Sometimes these siblings aren't assholes.

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