The Briefcase

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Five whispered to me 'if this all goes sideways, I'm sorry' and he squeezed my hand. We started to walk towards a masked hazel and Cha-Cha while Luther stayed back.

F: "the masks really necessary?" both of them took of their best up masks and threw them to the side.

C: "so where is it kids?"

F: "wow, that's how you're gonna start? You know we can get back in our car and call it a day." Cha-Cha pulled a gun on us.

C: "you won't even make it half way there."

F: "Maybe, but as I'm sure you found out in your previous foray my brother is not your average giant."

H: "he's right. You dropped a chandelier on him and he got right back up."

F: "by the time you took him out he'd smash your precious briefcase to a pulp."

H: "probably us too right? So how do we help each other?"

F: "I need you to get in contact with your superior so I can have a chat with her. Face to face."

C: "about what?"

F: "I don't believe that's any of your concern."

C: "just don't tell her about the briefcase."

F: "fair enough."

Cha-Cha and hazel lower their guns and they walk near a phone booth as five takes me back to where Luther is standing. I saw Cha-Cha looking around frantically as she types in the number for the handler. Five leans against the trunk and I hop up and sit down on it as Luther walked closer to us.

L: "so what happens now?"

F: "now we wait."

The sky gets more cloudy and the land falls gray. Cha-Cha walks back over to hazel and just as she stopped a sweet sounding tune fills our ears.

Everyone looks back to see a.. A god damn ice cream truck?!

The truck started playing 'Ride of the Valkyrie' in the sweet sound of the classic song each truck usually plays. The truck speeds to our position almost flying off the hills. Luther says something but I can't make it out as the truck gets closer. As it flies by we all see Klaus is the drivers seat and diego in the passengers. Klaus waves to us with a shit eating grin on his face.

F: "what the hell is he doing here?"

D: "GO FASTER" we all hear diego shout at a distance.


They start to shoot at the truck as me and five duck and dive for the front of the car. Luther blocks us from any incoming shots. We can hear the ice cream truck hit both hazel and Cha-Cha and I see them flying. A bullet echoes through the air as me and five rush to hide behind Luther. The whole world becomes saturated and everyone freezes except for me and five. She's here.

Five looks around confused but I don't let go of his hand and look around for her bitch ass face. We walk in the middle of the scene as a voice emerges from behind us.

H: "neat trick isn't it."

Y: "fuck..."

H: "hi again y/n."

We both walk towards her as she lifts her thin vail and takes off her sunglasses.

H: "hello you both look good. [She gestured to us] all things considered."

F: "it's good to see you again."

H: "feels like we met just yesterday. Of course you were a little but older then. [She looks at me] and you were but a few years younger. But congrats on the age regression. Very clever, threw us all off the scent."

F: "ah well I wish I could take all the credit, I just miscalculated the time dilation projections, and...well you know. Here I am."

H: "what about her?"

F: "she accidentally traveled with me."

H: "well that's besides the point, you realize your efforts are futile? So why don't you tell me what you both really want?"

F: "I want you to put a stop to it."

H: "you realize that what you are asking for is next to impossible, even for me. What's meant to be is meant to be. That's our raison d'être." five pulls a gun out of his shorts and points it at the handler.

F: "yeah? Well how about survival as a raison?"

H: "I'll just be replaced. I am but a small cog in a vast machine. [She starts to walk closer] this fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse is just that. A fantasy. I must say though, we are all quite impressed with your initiative, your..stick-to-itiveness, really quite..quite something.

Which is why we want to offer you and y/n a new position back at the commission. In management."

F: "I'm sorry, what's that now?"

H: "come back to work for us again, you both know it's where you belong. Well it didn't work out to well the last time."

F: "neither of you would be in the correction division any longer. I'm talking about, the home office. You'd have the best health and pension, and an end to this ceaseless travel. You are both distinguished professionals in...[she looks at us from head to toe] school children uniforms..we have the technology to reverse the process. [She lowers fives gun] I mean neither of you can be happy like this."

F: "I'm not looking for happy."

The handler brings her hand up to fives face and softly caresses him. "We're all looking for happy." as she says that I want to snap her hand off right then and there for being such a creep. "We can make that happen. We can make the both of you...yourselves again."

F: "and what about my family."

H: "what about them?"

F: "I want them to survive." at that the handler looked around at 3 out of 5 of fives remaining siblings and looked back.

H: "all of them?"

F: "yes all of them." he said and looked at me with a 'is she serious?' face.

H: "well, I'll see what I can do. [She puts out her hand] do we have a deal?"

Five looks at me and I nod.

F: "one thing, y/n come with me."

I walked with him to the guns in the air. We took one each and unloaded them throwing the different parts far away from each other. We walked back to the handler and I notice the bullet on course for Luther. I debated telling five but knew he would be pissed if I let something like this slide. So I tapped his shoulder and pointed to the bullet. He walked over moving it down and to the right and came back. The handler stuck out her hand once again. Five snakes his arm around my waist pulling me close and shook her hand. We teleported out of there immediately.

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