The Truth

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I came into fives room after having a lovely chat with Klaus and smacked the back of fives head.

F: "ow!.. What the hell was that for? "

Y: "did you know your brother thinks you're a, and I quote, 'smelly virgin'?"

F: "..."

Y: "never leave me alone with any of your siblings asshole." I took the whisky he had on his desk and took a long swig and set the bottle back down.

I sat down on his bay window, quite annoyed and a little bit angry at him.

F: "come on."

Y: "where are we going?"

F: "to Klaus's room."

Y: "why should I go if you keep leaving me?..."

F: "it was one time!"

Y: "two times actually. You left me at Vanya's place remember..." I saw a look of guilt wash over his face when he remembered that I wondered the street looking for him.

F: "please don't be mad, you know where I was this time I just forgot to take you with me upstairs." I looked away from him. I thought to myself for a second and I realized how stupid it was to be mad at him for this.

Y: "finee I'm sorry. You just found out something horrible about your dad. I know I'm acting like a brat right now.."

F: "apology accepted, doll."

Y: "I told you not to call me that."

F: "I think it suits you doll."

Y: "five God damn hargreeves I swear to God I will-" he cut me off with a quick peck on my lips and took my hand, dragging me to Klaus's room.

We walked in on Klaus attempting to knit but failing.

F: "hey, get up, we're going."

K: "where?"

F: "to save the world."

K: "oh is that all? Great..!"

F: "so, pogo said dad killed himself to get us all back together, right?"

K: "yeah, so?"

F: "so it got me thinking.. I had to jump to the future to figure out what happened. But dad, he can't time travel. So how'd the crazy bastard actually know to kill himself a week before the end of the world?"

K: "well you know-"

F: "don't answer that was purely rhetorical. Truth is, our whole lives, he's been telling us we'd save the world from an impeding apocalypse."

K: "yeahh but I always thought he just said that to scare us into doing the dishes."

F: "me too. But what if the old man really knew it was going to happen?."

K: "yeah, but knew how?"

F: "no idea. But the fact remains, his fakata plan worked, we all came home. Since we're here we might as well save the world."

K: "oh yeah? What, like the three of us? "

F: "uh, well, ideally, no, but...gotta work with what I've got."

Y: "[sarcastically] ouch, are you saying I'm not good enough for your team Mr. Hargreeves?"

F: "shut up, you know what I mean."

Diego suddenly comes running into his room.

F: "where have you been?"

D: "jail. Long story where's Luther?"

F: "haven't seen him since breakfast.."

K: "yeah two days until the world ends, and he picks a great time to drop off the grid."

D: "shit.." diego continues to mess around with his clothing and clips something around his shoulder.

D: "allison is in danger.."

He explains about what is going on with allison and tells us we need to find Luther. We all go out to Diego's car. Klaus and I are in the back since diego is the only one who can drive us and five refused to sit in the back. Diego starts driving to the local bar a few miles away.

Klaus decided that the drive is the perfect time to get to know me.

K: "soo dear y/ never answered my question from before.."

Y: "and I still won't."

D: "what question?"

Y: "keep driving. And I'm not going to answer, you wanna know so bad ask your brother."

K: "fine then, FIVE-" I put my hand over his mouth and smack his head back into the seat. He licked my hand which caused me to get a teeny fired up.


K: "that's what you get."

Y: "oh my god, I think I'm gonna be sick.."

D: "will you two idiots stop fighting like children, we're here." we pulled up beside a corner bar and just sat for a second. Five blinked out and opened up my door, putting his hand out for me.

Y: "hmm now I'm suspicious. What's going on in that brain of yours old timer?"

F: "don't worry about it." five smirked and I held his hand.

The four of us walked in only to immediately see Luther drinking out of a mug all alone at a table.

K: "trying a little hair of the dog are we?"

L: "leave me alone.."

Y: "I'm gonna go get something, any of you want a drink? No? Ok." I walked off to the bar counter and took the fresh beer someone left and walked back. I saw that five and Klaus had moved to a table a little ways away so I went over and sat on the table next to five.

Y: "want some?" I offered my drink to five and he took a couple drinks. We all watched as deigo and Luther were brooding about their dad together. Klaus looked at five and I and started to tap on his wrist as if he was tapping a watch. As diego looked at us Klaus and I giggled a bit.

Luther shouted something and got up. I chugged the rest of my beer and set down the cup and we all ran out. Luther ended up accidentally breaking the door.

We all piled in the car and five decided he wanted to drive so I went in the front with him, despite the protests from the boys. We seemed to drive for hours and I started to doze off. I turned up the radio. Luther got up behind five.

L: "hey can you go any faster?"

F: "ask me again and I'll burn you with a cigarette lighter."

Y: "how many time do I have to tell you, be nice.."

After about half an hour we pulled up beside a cabin. Everyone got our quickly and we all ran inside. We found allison on the ground with her throat slit and loosing consciousness. I stumbled back onto five and buried my head in his neck and he pulled me close. Diego was observing the scene. Klaus was trying to comfort Luther. And Luther was crying and holding allison close.

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