A New Beginning

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It's been so long...I haven't seen anything for what felt like years. After I got shot I felt a new energy pulsing through me. I hated this. I was stuck in my own mind for so long. I had to get out, I need to wake up now before its too late.

I opened my eyes to see a dim yellow light. My chest hurt but I could tell I was physically fine. I sat myself up and saw myself in a small room with another bed and small decorations. I started to breathe heavy and fast. I looked down at myself and saw multiple blue strings of light pulsing in my veins. The light died down and I sat at the edge of my bed.

The door opened and I saw...LUTHER?.

Y: "l-luther...?" he looked over at me in shock at stood there for a minute.

L: "holy shit..y/n, you're awake?"

Y: "Luther.. What the fuck is going on, where is five? Where is everyone?"

L: "woah woah woah, hold on. Just calm down."

I looked at him and started to cry. Without thinking I got up and stumbled around and hugged him as tight as I could. Even if he was a total dickhead I needed to just feel something. I felt him hesitantly hug me back and I started sobbing.

Y: "I-I'm alive!"

L: "I'm guessing you're confused.."

Y: "what h-happened? Please tell me.."

He sat me down on the bed I've been in for all this time. He explained that after I got shot, Vanya released an energy beam that shot through the window in the roof, it shot the moon which caused it to crumble and send meteorites. Vanya came too and saw my body on the floor. She tried to use her power to get the bullet out but ended up transfering some of her power to me.

The bullet came out and the wound healed but my veins started to glow a bright blue. Luther picked me up and five brought us all back in time. I got stuck with Luther in Dallas Texas, 1962.

Y: "have you been able to find anyone?"

L: "well I heard that diego is in a mental asylum, read it in the paper. And apparently Klaus is the leader of a cult."

Y: "Jesus Christ."

L: "sorry, but I haven't been able to find anyone else. I havent even been able to find the ones who are here."

Y: "fuck..."

L: "listen I need to go to work.."

Y: "please..[I grab his shirt sleeve] don't leave me..I can't be alone not again."

L: "fine.. But don't be alarmed by my employer."

Y: "why would I?"

L: "get this..its jack ruby."

Y: "no shit.."

He looks at me with an awkward look. I hoist myself up and use Luther to help me walk. He brought me down to what I'm guessing is a 1960s version of a strip club. His boss looked at him with a very annoyed look. Jack Ruby came up to luther as he sat me in a booth near jacks group.

J: "luther, who the hell is this little girl?"

L: "long story but the base of it is, my brothers girlfriend."

J: "you know she can't be in here."

L: "please just let her stay for now, she refused to stay in my room."

J: "fine but she better not come down here during business hours again."

Luther sighed in relief and a woman came up to him.

?: "hi Luther." she gave him a pretty flirty smile.

L: "hey autumn, how's business?"

A: "still waitin for the big tippers to show up."

L: "who's the half wit bothering Mr Ruby?" he wasn't wrong, a drunk man came up to us yelling about weird illuminati bullshit.

A: "no idea, but he's been puttin away vodka gimlets like they're gonna run out of limes."

L: "oh yeah? He give you any trouble?"

A: "not yet.." the drunk man shouted at Mr Ruby.

A: "but he's gettin there." the drunk man continues to shout and at that point I lay my head down waiting for Luther to come get me.

I heard something about a kid sneakin in here but payed it no mind. I politely asked Autumn for a drink and she said that she will get me something non alcoholic because I look like a kid. I kept downing drinks and eventually stole a bottle of whiskey to give them some kick.

Luther came over and took the drunk man and threw him out. I saw his wallet drop and picked it up. But I saw a familiar face walking away. It couldn't be...

It was..

Five fucking Hargreeves. I couldn't tell why, but I was mad at him. Mad that he didn't even seem to ask Luther where I was. I thought maybe he forgot me. I saw him looking at something he found in his pocket. I tried to run up to him but he jumped out of the bar before I could catch him. I found luther again and shoved the wallet on his chest.

Y: "did you even tell him I was here?"

L: "i-um.."

Y: "..You know I miss him, why didn't you tell him? Tell me luther. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL HIM?" I caught the attention of Jack and a few of his buddies.

L: "I just forgot, he was going on about how there's another apocalypse happening again."

Y: "FUCK LUTHER." I took off upstairs and slammed the door to mine and Luther's shared room. I couldn't take it anymore and laid down. I started to sob again and clutch onto the blanket I had.

I apparently cried myself to sleep because I woke up the next day and Luther was gone still. I decided to leave and search for five on my own.

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