A New Deal

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I saw five creeping around a stone wall while the sounds of glass shattering could be heard not to far away. I finally caught up with him and put my hand on his shoulder. He turned around quickly and punched my gut thinking I was someone else trying to attack him.

Y: "OW FUCK." I bent down holding my stomach in pain and started to cough and stumble a bit. I saw five panic a little and he helped me stand up straight.

Y: "holy shit...thats uhh good arm asshole."

F: "I'm sorry I didn't know it was you!"

Y: "Jesus Christ- what the fuck are you doing here?"

F: "following Lila."

Y: "would you care to explain why???"

F: "I can't."

Five took my hand and we started to run over to the open door Lila just went through. He looked at the broken window weirdly and shook it off, spacial jumping us inside.

We appeared behind Lila.

F: "what's your game crazy lady?"

L: "who cares, you said if you saw me again you'd kill me."

F: "oh I remember."

L: "well come on big talker. Let's get this done. And tell your little bitch to stay out otherwise this wouldn't be a fair fight now would it?"

Y: "I'm not his bitch. And you're one to talk about fair."

L: "fine I can take on you two kinder shits."

Five spacial jumped behind her but she turned around and kicked his face. I tried to grab her neck but she turned around and punched my face and ran. Five and I booked it and he blinked in front of her. He tried to do some sort of air kick but she leaned back, not knowing I was right behind her, and doged. I balled my fists together and landed a blow on her face knocking her to the ground.

She quickly got up only for five to kick her in the face. He quickly landed some punches on her face. Lila recovered and started to punch him back. Five fell back and it was finally my turn to take on Lila.

She turned to face me and I took her shoulders and slammed my knee into her stomach. She stood up again and tried to swing at me from the side but I blocked her. She went to hit again but I kicked her back.

She flipped over one of the crates putting distance between me and her. When five and I ran around she disappeared and relocated to a different part of the room. When five tried to get over she relocated again.

L: "heheh. Fed up yet children?"

Y: "not yet we aren't bitch."

Five took a pipe and tried blinking over to hit her but he hit a power source instead. I felt that same energy from the gala resurface and I started glowing again. This time I focused the energy on Lila. Right before she was about to attack five I directed everything I had into Lila, lifting her in the air. I raised my hand high which caused Lila to soar in the air. I slammed my hand down, and I heard the sound of Lila yelling in pain as she hit the ground. My body stopped glowing and five put his foot down on Lilas throat.

L: "you're better than I thought."

F: "and you were entirely average!" I walked next to five watching the struggling Lila. "You can come out now!"

A woman with dark black hair, a long gold and cheetah print coat, with bright red heels, smoking a cigarette came out of the dark. Great, it's this bitch again. The god damn handler.

H: "well done! You figured it out.."

F: "it wasn't very hard. She fights like everyone of you Commission drones."

H: "no matter, here we are. Together again. I've gotta ask...did you miss me you little shits?" Lila let's out a wheezing laugh, which sounded pathetic to hear. She started to struggle a lot.

H: "you've got a good nose."

F: "you know planting her in a psych ward, taking advantage of my simpleton brother, that was smart."

H: "well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Y: "she's your-"

H: "daughter. Yes and she's my only one, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't crush her windpipe.."

Five looked between the three of us.

Y: "five let her go.." he sighed and took his foot off of her. She yelled and started to breathe heavily.

L: "I am so going to enjoy killing you someday."

H: "Lila, darling, would you give us a minute please?"

F: "yes the grown ups need to talk." Lila walked off pissed and smacked something on the ground while a shit eating grin formed on fives face. He quickly turned sour and started talking to the handler.

F: "what is it you want?"

H: "do either of you like jazz?"

F: "I'd rather like a cheese grater."

Y: "jazz sucks ass."

H: "aww. Jazz is like a beautiful woman. Complex, emotional, hard to please. She doesn't just give it to you...she makes you work for it." she states while walking around around.

F: "I'm really hoping that you're going somewhere with this."

H: "under my leadership, the commission would sound more like...jazz..." she mimics a soft jazz rhythm.

Y: "what about the board of directors?..."

H: "that's where you two come in."

F: "nope-...no it isn!"

H: "in exchange for the assassination of the board, I'm willing to get you, your little girlfriend, and your family out of this timeline. And back to 2019 where you belong. Or where almost all of you belong." she gives me a fake smile and stares at me.

F: "what about world war III that's due to kick off in just a few days?"

H: "once you and your party of people are gone, that goes away."

F: "and the apocalypse when we get back to 2019?"

H: "gone too."

Y: "I distinctly remember you telling us that that apocalypse had to happen, that is was supposed to happen."

H: "back when I was toeing the company line, but once I'm in charge..." she started to get close, like uncomfortably close, to us from the back and mimic that stupid jazz rhythm. "We can riff..."

F: "jazz.."

H: "exactly!"

Five walked off a little stressed.

F: "what about the board of directors, I mean, nobody knows who they are."

H: "correct. But once every fiscal quarter they get together for a board meeting."

F: "where?"

H: "the question is when. They meet somewhere in the timeline but never in the same place twice. The exact location and date of these board meetings is the most closely guarded secret in the commission."

F: "but you know where it's gonna be, don't you?"

H: "would I be any good at what I do if I didn't?"

Five looked between me and the handler and saw my unsure face.

F: "we need some time to think about it."

H: "fine. But remember, doomsday is right around the corner and the way things are going, I'm your only option!"

Y: "not yet you aren't!"

Five took my hand and got us out of there.

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