A Few Recoveries

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Older five whispers something to my older self and she nods, whispering something back.

OF: "I think...that you did something to piss off y/n well... Younger y/n, your y/n. And that you need to make up for it."

OY: "I know myself and when I'm pissed, like really pissed, I break out the whiskey and become and asshole."

Y: "ouch, tell me how you really feel."

OF: "I will be right back and when I come back I don't want to see you two bickering like uh.."

Y: "hehh you we're gonna say like an old person weren't you?"

Old five walked away to the bathroom and I saw five look at me. My smile quickly went away and I refused to look at him. Five grabbed my hand and dragged me outside to the alleyway outside of the bar.

Y: "take me out here to yell at me more about how I can't control myself? Or how I'm dead weight? Oh! Or about how you never actually loved me?"

F: "just let me talk."

Y: "fine, but if this is some excuse to fuck with me I will kill you myself."

F: "I'm..sorry.."

Y: "for what?"

F: "for...being an asshole to you. I didn't mean any of it."

Y: "sure felt like you did." I felt my face get red and my eyes started to water. "You can't just say that expecting me to get over it. I ment what I said you know? That I loved you? I still do. I really really shouldnt but I do."

F: "I was just, mad I guess. I don't want us to be like this.." I saw a look of exhaustion and defeat on his face. I slumped down against the wall, curling into a ball. Five walked over and sat next to me. He placed his hand on top of mine.

Y: "I don't want to be mad at you, I hate being mad at you. But I can't move on until I know you actually care about me. You know, like a boyfriend should."

F: "if I didn't care about you would I have left you to die by the hands of luther, allison, or the apocalypse?"

Y: "you do have a point...asshole." I scoot closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. "I love you.."

F: "...I love you too." he got up and helped me up as well. Five pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

We walked back inside, this time hand in hand, and saw luther and old five walk back to the table. Older me looked suspicious and happy. She looked at her five and smiled a warm smile.

F: "you good?"

OF: "We got a deal, but we got to hurry, kennedy is en route. Less than an hour until showtime."

F: "why are you so anxious to get going all of a sudden?"

OF: "relax, you're getting paranoid."

F: "oh am I?" at which point they go through stage four, excessive gas. My least favorite stage, I'm not kidding I'd rather take Homicidal rage. I look disgusted at my older self and she does the same. She covers her nose and hands the briefcase to older five and takes the gun.

L: "ok let's roll!" Luther and old five rush outside while my five, my older self, and I are left confused.

-little baby time skip-

Older five and Luther are walking ahead of the rest of us so I decide to chat with my older self.

Y: "so, me- how are you doing?"

OY: "I'm doing fine, what about you?"

Y: "well, me and five made up so that's good. As we both know, we got some feelings for five, well our versions, so it sucked not talking to him." I look back to see a very, aggressive five yelling at pedestrians. "I'm regretting that now."

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