Chapter 5 - Morning Irritance

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You watched the morning sun rise from over the horizon at dawn. It was a stunning sight to behold, yet, you couldn't have cared less. You stood up from where you sat, brushing off the invisible dust that covered your legs. Turning away, you took off along the wall, your hands slipping into your pockets under your cloak. Your eyes were duller than usual, you hadn't slept in days now, despite being wounded protecting Zenon. Why did you do that again? That's right- because you didn't lie. Your looked at the land that the sunrays covered, it was still baren.

"Still nothing?" You looked back at the ash-blonde boy as he approached, the white-haired devil-beside him. He would have only clocked in half and hour ago, letting David get some shuteye before breakfast. "Do we really expect anything? They haven't attacked in months" you scoffed at his question. Asta stopped speaking, slowing his approach. "Well, someone's not in a good mood" the devil rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "Better than some two-bit devil." Gritting his teeth, Liebe growled at you. You just stared at him blankly.

"(Y/N), Liebe, calm down please" Asta sweat dropped. "Keep your damned devil away from me. He others may have accepted him, but I never will." your eyes narrowed at him further. Asta gave Liebe a look that made him roll his eyes again before walking off. Once the devil was out of sight, you detensed only slightly, there was no visible change. Asta watched as Liebe left before looking to you, seeing you look out over the wall.

"We haven't spoken in a while, huh, (Y/N)?" Asta nervously scratched the back of his neck. You didn't reply to him. Asta dropped his hand slowly, moving to stand beside you. "I haven't seen you since you left the Black Bulls to join Captain Anderson's squad. How have you been? I heard you made Vice-Captain!" Asta looked over the same sight you watched. Again, you remained silent. "Still as cold as ever? You know, I've never seen you smile. Not once." Asta stated, bringing a hand up to his chin as he spoke. "Don't think, you'll blow a braincell with you luck." Asta looked at you with a drained face, "your words hurt, you know?" You remained silent.

Asta took a deep breath before approaching the subject he wasn't going to touch, "you and Mister Nacht don't seem too friendly with each other." Asta didn't look at you as he spoke, but you looked down at him through narrowed eyes. "It's not like I mean it in a bad way. It's just that... you and he worked so well in sync. Now, you hate him, and I think it upsets him. His mood seems to just drop whenever he sees you now." "That's not my problem."

You'd had enough of this. "Uh- Wait- (Y/N)!" Asta reached for you. You were out of reach before he could speak anymore. You hated this. Why did he have to bring up Nacht? Your hands clenched tighter, your nose scrunching up more. Why would anyone even speak his name? He's nothing but a fake, a liar. He can just blow something over his shoulder without a second thought. "You can't just say something like that, and not tell me..." 'It's your fault, Nacht Faust... and you couldn't care less.'

You stormed across the area you patrolled, your shoulders stiff and your fast movements indicating your unconcealable emotion. Your mana merged with your aura, giving off a distinct and pressuring wave that would easily make any civilian sick. You breathed heavily through your nose, full puffs of air coming out with every breath you took. You were furious, to a normal person you looked cold and uncaring, but to those who'd worked alongside you or knew you, they could tell you were fuming.

"Vice-Captain. Vice-Captain!" You know that voice. Turning around you were met with the sight of your subordinate smiling at you happily. "Vice-Captain!" He greeted with a bright smile. Even someone who has been through as much as he has still finds a way to smile and be happy. Something you couldn't do. Zenon stopped just short you, "good morning Vice-Captain." You looked at him with your usual flat expression. "I brought breakfast" he grinned, holding up a bag with his free arm.

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