Dynamic Entry!!

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Today is the debut of Ayanna or The Bahamas. I'll be switching between human and country names.

She was speeding to the white building where the meeting will be hosted. She swerved around another car, who yelled at her. She yelled 'sorry' before cursing under her breath. " Muda sick! (Bahamian slang .) Can't believe I over slept again!" She said while dodging 5 would be car accidents. ( Bahamian's drive very fast..take it from me, we're all speed demons on the road)

12 minutes later

Britain tapped his foot impatiently as he looked at him watch." She's 12 minutes late, what could be keeping her so busy?" He mumbled to himself, rubbing his temple feeling a headache develop.

He silently groaned when he saw America come over to him with France. " Yo! Dude you've been looking at your watch for the longest! Like what's got you so worked up dude?" He asked curiously as its in his nature to be nosy.

Before England could give his reply, Germany already started the meeting. Everyone started to take their seats.

2 minutes later

" Commonwealth of The Bahamas." He called, no reply. He called again,..


A car broke through the window, and landed with a hard thud, with Ayanna rolling out of the car before it caught on fire!!! Right next to England, who was staring with wide eyes.

Ayanna got up and dusted herself off like nothing happened. " Commonwealth of The Bahamas, present!!" She said smiling, before-


The car exploded, " VHAT THE HELL!!!!?!!" Germany yelled, running for the fire extinguisher. Denmark, Prussia and America yelling out how awesome her entrance was. Russia smiling amused, Japan taking notes for his latest manga. China helping Germany while shouting, ' aiiyyaaa'.  France asking if she was ok, and England shaking and scolding her about her reckless driving.

" Bloody hell! You could have injured yourself?! What in God's name were you thinking?! Honestly you should be more careful when you drive!" Arthur yelled as he felt his headache increase tenfold.

" Now now Angleterre, I'm sure she meant well? Right Bahamas?" Francine asked, ( France is female in this fanfic) Ayanna just absently nodded, feeling dizzy from Arthur shaking her. Arthur just dropped Ayanna and started arguing with Francine, who argued back.

Ayanna shook her head, and took the hand of Alfred, who helped her up. " Thank you, Mr. America." She said smiling, " No problem! It's the hero's! Job to help other's!" Giving his iconic hero smile, with his thumb up. With a faint pink flush, on his cheeks.

Ayanna gasped, "Is Matthieu here?" She asked the hero, were his twin brother was. " Who?" He asked easily forgetting his older brother. " Ya  brother Canada. Matthieu Williams." She said reminding him of the names.

" I-I'm right h-here, Ms. A-Ayanna..." Matthieu said quietly holding, Kumajirou. ' He's so cute! He remind me of cloudy( pet pig)!.. Now I miss him... maybe, I'll call the other islands when I done with the meeting'-' her thoughts were cut off by Matthieu tapping her shoulder.

As Alfred was busy eating and talking at the same time. " A-Are you o-ok? That w-was a n-nasty f-fall eh." He stuttered out worried, Ayanna just said she's fine.

Ayanna spotted the Italian twins, and  walked over to them. They both just trembled in fear, and just disappeared. She pouted, and went to Japan, " Kiku-kun~ whatcha drawin'... hmmm dat so cute! She's so cute! Ya drawin' too cute,  ne Kiku~kun?" She couldn't help but tease the emotionless man, who was as red as a tomato.

" Aya-chan, please... stop..it's embarrassing.." He said as he covered his face with his hands. Ayanna just giggled at him. Yup, it's a good start to the day, then she went back to talk with Alfred and Matthieu.

20 minutes later

" Alright we need to vote on who will host the next meeting, now-" He was cut off by Prussia raising his hand," I vell host ze next meeting cuz, I'm ze awesome Prussia ack!!" He was cut off by Germany smacking him behind the head. " Dummkopf, you can't vote for yourself! Other countries have to vote for you! Besides we make up Germany so don't do anything rash!" He yelled as he scolded his older brother." Please write your vote and put it in the Ballot box on your way out, after the meeting." He said.

Gilbert just rubbed his head and grumbled at his brother. " Ve! So s-scary!" Italy mumbled while hiding behind his brother. Romano grew a tic mark at his brother's cowardice. America just ate his burgers, Greece just slept.... and Bahamas took some notes.

Germany ended the meeting, then sighed as he rubbed his temple. Everyone started to leave, others were still talking, Ayanna grabbed her notes and was about to go, but America called her.

" Hmm..Mr. America? Ya need somethin' ?" She asked, as he just rubbed his hand behind his head with a small laugh. " Wanna go out with me to eat?" Everything stopped.

England stood frozen, France let out a ' honhon'
Canada was more quiet than usual, mumbling incoherent things in a corner. Japan and China watching with keen interest. Russia just ' kolkolkol' softly, with his violet eyes opened slightly.

Before Ayanna could answer," Hola Chica!! It's been a while since we saw each other. Hmm," Cuba said butting in.

" How ya doin' mon?" Jamaica said smiling with a light blush on his cheeks

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" How ya doin' mon?" Jamaica said smiling with a light blush on his cheeks.

" Yo mama it's good to see you again," Haiti said as he grasped her hand gently, and kissed it

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" Yo mama it's good to see you again," Haiti said as he grasped her hand gently, and kissed it. Unbothered by the glares coming from the other men and England.

" Honhon this is quite intriguing

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" Honhon this is quite intriguing...hmm what are you doing Japan?" She asked looking at the shorter man, drawing and writing mumbling in Japanese. "....This will be great for my harem manga..." he mumbled as France gave him a weird look.

'Yup tensions are rising... Let's hope Aya-chan will make the right decision... Why am I breaking the fourth wall?' He thought.

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