Nyotalia Edition

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Ayano Knowles

(I know he's chibi but he's the closest one to the image I wanted)

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(I know he's chibi but he's the closest one to the image I wanted)

He was walking down the Florida coast, talking to Florida." I'm telling you man girls literally flock around you, like a pack of sea gulls." Florida said as he tried to get through his dense neighbor's head. He just laughed it off eating a mango.( Ayanna and Ayano's fav food).

" Haha France( Franco) did say I'm a ladies man, whatever dat means. Anyway 'Merica's been real clingy to me lately so is Cuba, Haiti and 'Maica .... Dey probably missed me." He said leaving Florida,as he spotted Belarus.

" ...dude your the harem protagonist.." Florida mumbled to himself.

With Belarus:

He was busy threatening

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He was busy threatening... I mean talking with Ukraine, with Russia hiding behind him. " Big Sister you can't hide behind him forever... Move Krystiyan." He said menacingly as Nikita, glared at his older brother. As Ivanevna trembled at how creepy her brother can be.

 As Ivanevna trembled at how creepy her brother can be

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( Ignore America for now)

" Hey hey hey! Nikita how ya doin'?" Ayano said as he patted his friends back. Nikita put his knife away, and had a small smile. " Friend Ayano... it is good to see you again." He said as Ayano greeted his siblings, " Bui what goin' on ? Ukraine , Russia? ... hmm oh yah! You left dis at da last meetin' Russia....anyway, ready to go swimmin' ?" Ayano asked Belarus.

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