She tried to kill you and now your friends?!

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After the whole  fiasco at McDonalds, England and France got a good row( slang for scoalding, pronounced roaow) from Ayanna. Ayanna huffed at the memory, as she was walked down the corridor, she ran into Seychelles ( Marie Payet).

Seychelles nearly cried tears of joy seeing Bahamas. " Ayanna?!! It's so good to see you again!" She wailed as Ayanna, embraced the girl in a hug. Seychelles went on and on about, how she missed Ayanna. As she smiled fondly at her like an older sister would. " Seychelles if it makes you feel better, I'll visit you." She said as smiled warmly at her, Seychelles beamed.

They continued their walk to the meeting room, " So I said f-" Before Ayanna could finish her sentence she, bumped into someone.

Seychelles stood still eyes wide," ..Mon God.." She said," Kolkolkol" Russia( Ivan Braginski) said as he looked down at Ayanna, who looked up." Sorry about that Mr. Russia." She apologized as he just patted her head," It's alright little comrade" He said as Seychelles watched bewildered as Ayanna was having a decent conversation with Russia.

'What in God's name just happen?! I hope B..B..Bela... She's to scary for me to even say her name... I hope his sister doesn't see this.' Seychelles thought as the very mention of Belarus, scares her. Sweating nervously as she ducked as a knife, going straight towards Bahamas.

She dodged by moving to the side," Big Brother~"

She dodged by moving to the side," Big Brother~"

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Russia nervously sweated, " Mr. Russia are you ok? Your sweating plennty." She asked out of concern, as another knife came Ayanna's way. She dodged again, ' Where da fuck dese  knives come from?! Someone tryin' to kill me aye? What the hell did I do??' She thought.

As the sound of heels running, made her turn her attention towards the sound. " Stay away from him!" Belarus ( Natalya Arlovskaya) tackled Bahamas as she held the Belarusian woman's wrist from, stabbing her with the knife in her hand.

" Ms. Belarus?! Can you please move the knife away from my chest, I don't want to hurt you." She said somewhat calmly, as Belarus put more strength in her hand. Ayanna retaliated and wrapped her legs around Natalya's waist, throwing her into the wall. Belarus slumped, looking unconscious. ' Did I hurt her? I hope she's ok' She thought out of concern.

Bahamas got up to check if she was injured, Belarus managed to slice at her cheek. As she lunged at Ayanna, who swiftly dodged. Belarus smirked, as she almost managed to stab her eyes out. Ayanna's cheek stinged,"... She really wants me dead." She said as she saw the blood drip on the floor.

She forced Ayanna's hand, Bahamas grabbed her wrist. Twisted her arm and pinned her to the ground," Jesus what did I do?! To piss you off?" Ayanna said annoyed as Natalya squirmed underneath the Bahamian woman's grip. ' Tch. This salt-water bitch, is proving to be a quite the nuisance..' She thought as she hooked her leg, around Ayanna's thigh digging her heel into her thigh.

As she elbowed Ayanna in the ribs hard, making her cough blood. Ayanna rolled to the side, as Belarus aimed to stab her again. Ayanna used both her legs, to kick Belarus through a wall.

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