America's two loves

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South Vietnam 1965:

(South Vietnam is the pretty lady in yellow next to Ayanna. Human name: Nguyễn Thiên Hương)

A year after entering Vietnam Alfred was busy training South Vietnam who was getting better. Faster and stronger, South Vietnam collapse due to pushing herself to hard during their regular training sessions.

" Easy S. Nam.. don't push yourself too hard, let's take a break." America said as he handed her a water bottle, she gratefully took it. They both drank their water in the semi peaceful jungle they were stationed at, America took out a photo of him and Ayanna.

Their both smiling after the end of world war 2. South Vietnam couldn't help but smile at the photo as well." Is she your girlfriend?" She asked as she enjoyed the bright shade of red, the American man's face turned . "... No..she's a really good friend of mines..." He said bashfully looking to the side. As Vietnam took the photo," Aww she's so cute! Like a con thỏ!( bunny)." She said as she could think of all types of compliments.

Alfred could have sworn he saw flowers floating on her head." Hey! America when this is all over I want to meet her!!" She said excitedly, he patted her head and just smiled," Sure anything you want, Ms. Thiên Hương." He said as she beamed at him speaking Vietnamese.

"Tôi yêu bạn! ( I love you)" She practically exclaimed excitedly as she blushed slightly, and covered her mouth in embarrassment. " What does that mean dude?" He asked curious about her previous reaction. " Mabye..after the war I'll tell you promise?" She said as she held her pinky out," Promise!" America said as he closed the deal with his pinky.

South Vietnam 1973: 10hrs 2 years before S. Vietnam's death.

The war raged on growing ever more violent day by day. The other nations pulled out but America stayed, because he believed he could win and is down right stubborn.

" Captain! the North's attacks are growing more and more violent! We must retrea-" The soldier couldn't finish before he was shot by North Vietnam.

South glared at her sister, she held off the frontline as an American group, surrounded the west and east. With a small S. Vietnamese group attacking from the south.

The North Vietnamese retreated for now, another battle with no winner. South's faith in America was wavering every second, her training increased 10x as the war got even bloodier.

' South's strong.. I have to believe in her... even if I don't want to leave her...but..!! Got it!' He thought as he ran towards Cambodia.

North Vietnam 1973 8hrs 2 years until South Vietnam's death

Knock knock

" Enter." North said sternly, as a soldier he saluted to her." At ease." He stood at attention, as he silently handed her a letter." Where did this come from?" She asked," An American general ma'am!" He quickly left, not wanting to be her next victim. She opened the letter and then left the office in a hurry.

N. Vietnam left for Cambodia.

Cambodia 1973 5hrs 2 years until South Vietnam's death


" Where are you! America!" North Vietnam screamed. As America held a gun to a tided up and unconscious Cambodia. " Promise me. That you'll leave South alone in peace, when the war is over." He said sternly as he glared at North coldly , she shivered. 'He's serious about this... I get it....he's leaving today... hehehe...HAHAHA!!!!' She mentally laughed at his dilemma, she decided to play his game. Even though he knew deep down she wouldn't agree... even if it was her own sister.

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