How I met you: The Axis and Australia

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1973: Germany and Prussia
( Ayanna's birthday July 10 aka Independence Day a lot of countries wanted to make a good first impression while attending the occasion. Germany's boss wanted him to make a deal with Ayanna.... As for Prussia he came for a free vacation.)

Germany could hear the sound of happy laughter and merry making in every corner of the island. He didn't mind the partying atmosphere, but his brother relished in it.

Dancing with every pretty girl he saw, and drinking to his heart's content. He huffed in annoyance," ...Work must come first...." He mumbled to himself, as he went to sit by himself, next to a drunk England.

" England?... Verdammit drunk...can handle my liquor my ass.. hmm." He saw Ayanna approach the table he was sitting at,' wow she's really pretty' he thought. As he looked her up and down in her 70's style jumpsuit.

 As he looked her up and down in her 70's style jumpsuit

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( Imagine that's Ayanna in the jumpsuit)

"Sorry to bother you, I just came to carry my big brother to his hotel." Ayanna said as she carried, him over her shoulder. Leaving the club, Ludwig didn't know where the country he was suppose to meet was so he was going to hit the bar, and at least have a good time.

Taking small sips of his Sands beer( Bahamian brewed beer) ' Not as strong as German beer but has a nice, flavor.' He thought as he was wondering where his brother was. He left the club, unaware that Ayanna would cross his path again.


He was busy making out with, Brooke who was drunk as hell. " Mmm..hehehe.. your one helluva a kisser..Gilly~" She flirted with him, as he smirked at her. She just giggled shyly," Vhat's so funny?" He asked as she giggled." ...hehehe My big sister would lose her head, if she saw me making out with you." She said as she giggled some more, Prussia started to laugh," Hahaha! Mein little bruder would lose his shit if he saw me slacking off instead of working." He said as they both laughed.

" By.. the way ma..sister.. is the countries rep..(hic)..hehe..Ayanna's" Brooke said as she went back to mumbling nonsense. ' Hmm maybe she would know who's the nations personification.' Prussia thought as he felt Brooke's lips against his again.

Their fun was cut short by their names being called by their siblings. " BROOKE ?!" " GILBERT?!" They both pulled away," Vhat's going on here ?" Ludwig asked, as Ayanna just went and grabbed Brooke's arm. Pulling her away from Prussia." ~Sigh~ Sorry about my sister, she's just drunk and does things like this." Ayanna apologized, to Ludwig.

He just sighed," It's fine my older bruder does things like this also...By the way your Arthur's sister right?" He asked as he remembered her grabbing, the drunk Brit and carrying him.

"Hmm..oh yes my names Ayanna Knowles,it's nice to meet you..Mr?" " Ludwig Beilschmidt, again sorry about mein older bruder. Ve're here to meet with the representative of this nation but we got sidetracked." He said as he looked to the side bashful. Glaring at his brother who was whistling and looking at the side.

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