New Providence's fears

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1703 New Providence, The Bahamas

     New Providence opened her eyes, groaning as her light blue eyes looked at the burning town. Done by the combined might of the French and Spanish. As her legs gave out the second she tried to stand. As the smell of a corpse next to her made her back away screaming with tears in her eyes. She crawled away to vomit, " God...let her be alive.." She whispered as she pushed through the pain, standing on her legs.

       Every step was agony but she had to find Nassau, as her eyes widened at the ruined state of the town. " Charles Town...." She whispered as she bit her lip until it bleed, to prevent herself from crying out. As she journeyed further into the ransacked town. Her stomach churned violently, as the sight of Nassau's still body in the center of the rubble making her vomit again . " ~Cough~ cough~ no no n o NO NO N O NO! NO! NO! NO NO NO!!" She screamed as she ran towards her sister. Falling on her burned legs, crawling desperately to Nassau.

" NASSAU!! NASSAU!! PLEASE BE ALIVE!!" She said as the tears never stopped running down her face. As she held Nassau in her arms, checking for a was slow. She listened to her heart beating it was starting to slow down. As she looked at her dying sister, bleeding with burns on her arms, legs and one on her neck connecting to her shoulder. "...Make it" Nassau whispered as a single tear was shed.

New Providence's eyes widened as her expression turned blank as even more tears were shed. " Please don't make me do this again...I don't want to do this again!!" She screamed like a mad woman, as her hands were around Nassau's neck, as she slowly squeezed the little capital's neck.

January 19, 1684
Charles Town, New Providence

The town was completely destroyed, as the Spaniard's burned and raided the town. As New Providence was holding a dying Charles Town ( Oliver Knowles) in her arms. Not caring for her injuries as the little boy's shallow breathes worried her. " I'm not gonna make it...sister.. ~cough~... just put me out of my hurts.." He begged with tears in his blue eyes.

" No I won't do it, n-no matter w-what happens y-your going t-to b-be just fine!" She stuttered out with tears. " I'm going to die sister Miya. Please kill me it's better than dying a prisoner...please...kill me.." He said as his little fist gripped her dress. New Providence was silent as her hand gently brushed his once blonde , now blood soaked hair away from his eyes.

"..I'm sorry...please forgive me.." New Providence said with tears running down her face, as Charles Town smiled at her. She saw a dagger, grabbed it and held it over the little boys chest.

As the tears never stopped," I-I'm s-sorry.." She sobbed before plunging the dagger in his chest, killing him.

"...New Providence..?" New Providence eyes widened in horror as she saw Ayanna, looking at her with a worried expression. Until her eyes landed on the dead Charles Town. She didn't say anything and just hugged, New Providence who's bloody hands desperately clung to Ayanna back. " Don't worry I'll get revenge on the Spanish cocksucker." She said determined, unknown that she was hugging the culprit.

End of Flashback:

Out of guilt she removed her hands from New Providence's hands from Nassau's neck. She scrambled herself from Nassau, crying with shaking hands. As she heard Nassau coughing,"...New..Providence..?" She groaned out, as New Providence's eye widened with a sigh of relief. " I'm h-hear...N-Nassau..let's f-find s-some s-shealter." She said as she carefully scooped Nassau up, carrying her to their small cottage, to be treated.

End of Flashback:

New Providence placed flowers over the makeshift grave were she buried Oliver. " H-Hey's been a while s-since I've l-last spoken with y-you. Aya's been working hard lately, oh! W-We meet a lot of many different countries today. Hehehe 4 of them really want t-to her boyfriend... but she's oblivious to their feelings." She said with a slight chuckle as she pulled a book out of her backpack.

" The DaVinci Code, you always liked mystery's I've watched the movie...b-but I've never read the book." She said softly as she opened the book and started to read the book silently. She soon fell asleep, as a hand gently brushed a stray hair behind her ear. " Thank you for visiting me Miya." The little ghost of Charles Town said as he made a flower crown. Then placed it on her head. As she woke up," Mm~ hmm? Where did this come from... AH! D-did someone f-follow m-m-m-meeee?!!" She panicked as Oliver laughed at his sisters antics.

She finally calmed down,  as she picked up her book. As she changed the dying flowers, it's fresh ones looking back at the grave. " Love you Ollie I'll come back soon." She said with a sad smile, as Oliver hugged her even though she didn't see him she felt a warm presence. " Huh?" She turned around she saw no one, N. P just left quietly with the ghost of Charles Town following her.

Au: WAAH!! This is so sad
N.P: P-P-Please stop crying cause if you cry I'm gonna- bursts into tears.
Both Au-chan and N.P are crying
San Salvador- Well good bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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